Chapter Three

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Thankfully, Saturday was normally one of the busiest days of the week at the flower shop. At least, being busy, helped to keep her mind off her living situation for a while. For the first time ever, Emma was not looking forward to the end of her shift. She had even offered to work late, but having gotten through the morning rush in a timely manner, Mr. Yen decided he would close up early that day for a family gathering.

"You should go home and enjoy your new apartment," he said in his heavy Chinese accent with an enthusiastic smile.

"Yeah, I suppose," Emma said, hanging up her smock.

"Is something wrong?" he asked. "Bad neighbors?"

"Something like that." She shrugged. "It's all just a little strange."

"Here, I give you something," he said, shuffling toward the back of the shop, returning moments later with something in his hand. "Take this. It's a jade good luck charm for your home." He handed her the pendant. "Hang it by a window or door."

"Will it help with ghosts?" she asked sarcastically.

"Why? You have ghosts?" he asked, intrigued.

"No, I'm sure I'm just imagining things," she said, feeling foolish.

"No matter, this charm should help," he said, ushering her out of the shop. "See you Monday, Emma."

"Yes, I'll see you then," she said despondently making her way toward the bus stop. Not quite ready to go home yet, Emma thought to call her friend, Sarah. Perhaps they could hang out for a while. Unfortunately, though, Sarah had already made plans with her fiancé. Come to think of it, Sarah was always otherwise occupied these last few weeks with her upcoming wedding. It hurt a little, to be so easily set aside by her best friend, especially since they'd always been so close.

They met in junior high. They used to talk for hours about anything and everything. Lately, though, the few conversations they had, were all about Sarah, her fiancé and how much work went into planning a wedding. In a way, that made sense to Emma, but what hurt most was that Sarah hadn't even asked her to help with the flowers. Her very own best friend had opted for an upscale shop she'd found in Beverley Hills instead. For her maid of honor, Sarah had chosen her fiancé's sister, Connie. She'd explained her reasonings with some lame excuse about keeping the peace with his parents.

Emma thought to call her family over to see her new apartment, but with the latest unsettling developments of her situation, she figured she would wait another week. Her parents were so proud when she'd told them that she had found the perfect place, and even prouder of the fact that it was something she could afford, given her limited income.

She was okay with working for Mr. Yen for now, even though the job didn't pay very well. Flowers were Emma's passion, and she had hopes of opening her very own flower shop someday. For now, though, at age twenty-five, Emma was okay with her progress thus far.

Well, since she had no other option but to head home, Emma thought to make a quick grocery list while on the bus. She got off one stop earlier by the grocery store and reminded herself not to go crazy since she'd have to lug everything home on her own.

Unfortunately, it turned out harder than she realized to stick to her small list. By the time she'd reached the checkout counter she realized too late that she'd gone overboard.

Struggling along the way home with her arms feeling as though they would fall off with the weight of the four bags of groceries, two in each hand, she cursed herself for falling victim to fancy packaging. What made things worse was the fact that one of the bags, holding a jug of milk and a carton of eggs was now stretched to its limit and threatening to fall apart.

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