16 - Tits

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I rushed out of the faculty during lunch break. We didn't have afternoon classes. I needed to get my stuff and to check out from the hotel before three pm, or else I'd have to pay for an extra day. Two blocks away from the hotel I spotted P'Titsy, that's obviously not her real name, it's a private nickname I gave her. I only call her that in my head though. I've been trying to hit that for over a year. Usually when a girl plays hard to get for too long, I move on to the next one and forget about them.

This one is a different story though. If the nickname is any indication, her boobs are like torpedoes pointing upward. I want to see them at least once and maybe touch them, to see if they're as firm as they look. I wonder if she wears a bra. I'll be disappointed if it's the bra making her boobs look like that. What's even more exciting is that she's nearly seven years older than me. The oldest woman I've been with was only two years or so older than me. I've heard that the older the woman is, the more amazing the sex is, you know, experience and all.

Her petite face, complemented with a nose so sharp it could cut you and brown eyes so filled with warmth, always drawing me in, I could gaze at them for hours. Her lips were not too full and her brownish hair, cut into a bob framed her face beautifully. She is so pretty. She could use more flesh in the back but that is beside the point. The point is, I was obsessed with her. At one point I even thought I might be in love with her. I can't believe I haven't thought of her at all in the last two months or so. It's like she ceased to exist until now.

I did a quick u-turn and drove in the direction I'd seen her. I gladly noted that I was right, it is her, and she looked just as beautiful as the last time I saw her.

"Sawasdee Khrub, P'" With a wide smile,I waiid at her after I'd parked my car and walked up to her. She was standing at a taxi stand, perhaps waiting for one.

"Sawasdee Kha, Ai'Beam, where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while." She answered with an equally wide smile.

"Are you alone?" I looked around as I asked.

"Yes, I am. What about you? What are you doing out in this area?"

"Just running some errands. Where's that guy who's always following you around?"

"I thought he forgot about me, but he suddenly appeared in front of me just now." Is she talking about me?

"Hahaha P', seriously though, he let a pretty woman like you go out by yourself?"

"Ah...well...actually we broke up."

"What? That is too bad." I was jumping up and down with joy, in my head. Her ex was the main reason she never wanted anything to do with me. This feels like destiny.

"Yeah, well, everything ends, right?"

"I'm so sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. It's been more than a month so I'm over it already."

"Is it okay if I ask what caused you two to break up? You seemed so in love with him."

"We just sort of drifted apart after he moved away for work. That's enough about me. What about you? What have you been up to and why haven't I seen you around lately?"

"Same old. You know studying to be a Doctor is not easy."

"Okay Doctor Beam. Are you bragging or complaining?" She lightly pushed on my shoulder as she answered.

"Which one do you prefer?"

"You're still such a flirt." The way she flipped her hair as she said that. Is she flirting with me? That's new. She never flirted with me before.

"Only when I'm around you." I wasn't going to pretend that I was not flirting with her.

"Are you dating someone now?" Forth...no no, why did I think of him? We're not dating. And she's flirting, why else would she want to know if I'm dating?

"After you broke my heart so many times, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to someone else." I said, jokingly. "Are you dating someone else?" I had to see if there was a chance for me.

"No, not yet." It must be destiny. Maybe she can help me put out the fire my so called best friend have been fanning, trying to set Forth and I ablaze.

"Have you had lunch yet?"

"No, not yet. Have you?"

"I haven't had lunch either. Would you like to have lunch with me?" I wasn't going to let this chance pass me by. I need to cross her off my bucket list. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something felt different with her. It's probably because she's responding differently than she normally would.

"Yes, totally." She sounded a little too eager. Maybe it's that thing people talk about. Ignore the person for a while and they come running to you. Something like that?

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