Prom and death

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Don't start song till told please

I always thought that romance was at first sight. That is, till tonight. Right now, I am at prom with my boyfriend, Gregory. We were on our way to a hotel and he was telling me the lamest joke ever.

    "So, did you have fun?" He asked me. I looked at him with a smile and nodded. As we pull into the parking lot of the hotel, he parks and gets out to open my door. We walked in the hotel lobby and he went to get the key.

    We walked in our room and then he grabbed me. I had no idea what was happening. All I knew was that he was about to bash my head into the wall. I started scratching at his hand, kicking at legs, gasping for air. The it all goes black.
      There was no bright light. No I'm sorry, there was a light, but it was NOT bright. I felt like I had been out for days, only to wake up to a man standing above. It wasn't Gregory, it was a man that looked twenty, had Ginger Brown hair, blue eyes and a start of a beard. I gasp.

   "Where am I? Who are you? And why does my chest hurt?" I blurted out. He looked lost and his eyes were bright like the moon. They held amusement and love. But they also looked sad. For some reason, I walked over to him and hugged him. He tensed, but hugged me back.

      "You are dead, Danny, and in the underworld. I am Hades. And you are my mate." He told me, after letting me go. But instead of being scared, I smiled and kissed him out of the blue. He kissed back.
       "Sing something for me." He said. I nodded and started.( Play video now)

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