growing on each other

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♡ crossover // enemies to lovers

The building was shining before him, Hinata yelled anything but words and the team behind him couldn't help chuckling at his child-like enthusiasm, they were all fired up but Hinata and Kageyama showed it more in a physical sense - especially since Nishinoya and Tanaka had just been woken up from a decent snooze and Hinata ran off to get the first look among the students from Karasuno at the volleyball court that they'd be playing on against the other teams that had also come to participate in the training camp.

They studied hard for this - they, meaning Nishinoya, Tanaka, Kageyama and Hinata - and it had all paid off; even those times when Kageyama was almost close to literally murdering his partner because of the stress and the pressure, and now he was racing ahead, yelling at Hinata for getting a head start without any warning as he almost caught up.

Luckily, they could already see the doors and they were open so there was no way they could get lost and Hinata yelped when Kageyama almost bested him, he pushed himself further and felt the way his bag kept hitting his backside as he ran with a purpose, his face scrunching in concentration to make it to the door as the dust of the floor kicked off of his feet and he heard the thumps of the black-haired boy running behind him, huffing, yelling swears when he knew he wasn't going to make it - and yet they still ran without stopping before they were finally inside.

They jumped through, Hinata made it first as he leaped in like a satisfied smug winner and he huffed, regaining his breath as quickly as he could to turn to Kageyama who was know leaning over, palms on his knees as he heaved in the needed oxygen to speak properly, a prominent frown on his face, "dammit."

"Ha! Ha! I won, Bakayama, that's 72-71, my point!" He had turned, hands on his hips to grin at his partner, successfully ignoring the glare he received even if it did manage to bring chills down his neck and he turned back to the court,

To see it already occupied with another team.

And they were watching them.

Oikawa saw Hinata with Kageyama, a frown slowly coming to his face when he watched the two converse as if this was some type of field trip, he ignored the innocents gaze of wonder that Iwaizumi gave him and once he turned away defiantly, Hinata and Kageyama had only just noticed them.

The entire team of Seijoh were there on the court, the middle one as the gym had three right beside each other, it was huge and enough to make the palpitations in Hinata's chest fasten as his bright eyes widened in awe, "waaah~! This is huge! Just like the one with Nekoma and Fukurodani, right, Kageyama!?"

He looked to his side, facing upwards to see his partner watching the same view as he had been, only it was just his eyes that were shining as opposed to Hinata's entire being,

"yeah." Hinata smiled proudly and noticed the Grand King, there was no way he could mistake him for anyone else after all. Oikawa had thrown the ball up and he was running, he stopped before the backline of the court and jumped, his entire body; lean and slim, elegant - in Hinata's eyes, and he slammed his palm into the ball with a breath-taking spike and Hinata watched eagerly when the ball flew so fast, he almost couldn't follow it.

The sound resonated within the gym to escape the windows and the doors and Hinata had to inhale deeply to regain himself, his cheeks dusted pink and he noticed another shadow on the other side of him, "amazing.." He subconsciously murmured and the person spoke back, "of course."

He flinched, however, when the familiar voice reached his ears and both Kageyama and Hinata stepped back when Oikawa turned to them with a smug smile, "you see that, chi-eck!"

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