At the beach

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We were walking around the beach looking for a good spot. I really wasn't paying attention to them all. But I did here people talking about how we look nothing alike, me and my 'mom'. She had long vibrant blond hair that could be spotted from miles away. She was also wearing a very revealing pop pink bathing suit, along with her brown eyes. While I look completely different from her, I have short dark brown hair that can barely be seen from black, my eye pop of an blue, while the other is covered up, people bully me from the unnatural color so I just cover it up. My bathing suit has a mix of black, white, and grey's. After awhile we all settled down in a nice little spot, I decided to keep walking. I knew I wouldn't have anything to do, or anything to talk about. I really don't talk that much, I don't talk about my history, in reality I just stay to myself. The sun started to beam down like crazy on me. I decided to hope in the water to cool down a bit. I left my bag in the sand so it wouldn't get too wet. When I hopped in the water it wasn't for too long, just a minute to cool off for a little. But in that small minute, I started to get sucked in and under, I don't know what happened. I started to get pulled under further, I was stuck under. My lungs were burning up inside, I couldn't breath. I was dying, I was drowning. All I could see was black, only black. I was alive...After a few seconds I was above land again, well above water. I swam back up to land, barely breathing, coughing up blood and water. I saw my bag, it was a few feet away from me, so I grabbed it and made sure everything was here. "Thank the gods!" I whispered under my breath. Everything was there, especially my grandmother's box. I also saw my phone, I took a look at it, it was 3:48 am! 'What the heck'. It shouldn't be this early in the day, then I look at the date...It was 10 years later.

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