Chapter Two
That morning, I woke up at 6am. I could've sworn I only got 30 minutes of sleep. I walked over to my mirror and took one quick look, and then I headed to the bathroom to wash my face. After my refreshing face wash, I skipped back to my bedroom and sat down, in front of my mirror, while examining every flaw I could see. I shrugged and grabbed my foundation; I applied it lightly because I don't want to look like a cake face, like most girls my age. Except not the ones at my school, they're all real, and don't backstab you. That's why I love Witty High; mostly because it's an all girl school, but, there's a boys private school two blocks called Carpe Noctem. My best friends and I always stroll past on our lunch break, just to see the boys. And that's where I met him. The one I've completely fell in love with; Harry Styles. I snapped back to reality and knew we would never date. I finished applying my makeup and got all ready. I grabbed school books and headed upstairs. 'Bye mum' I yelled, picking up my keys and dashed through the door. I got into my car and drove to Courtney's house and she climbed in. Her and I have been best friends forever. Honestly, ever since we met in kindergarten, when she shared her crayons with me. It's quite ironic, considering she fancies Zayn, whose best friends with Harry. That's all we ever talk out, Zarry! We arrived at school just in time and headed to class, just as the bell rang.