-First Few Days-

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  Hermione had just discovered that History of Magic was the most boring subject of all. She pretended to pay attention, of course. Everyone thought she was most talented in ALL subjects. ("They're speaking the truth." said Ron)

She was distracted by the bell ringing, and started walking to the Gryffindor common room for a little break. Draco Malfoy, Gregoy Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Pansy Parkinson, Hermione had discovered, were the most mean gang in Hogwarts. There they stood there, laughing and pointing at her.

Hermione sat down on the Gryffindor red couch, and pulled out her homework.

"How come she does that? I still need eight inches! And her writing's tiny!" Ron muttered to Harry an hour later.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Here, you can copy off me."


They were sitting at the lake, enjoying the warm sun and Fred and George tickling the Giant Squid.

"Oh, no. Not them again." Hermione said angrily, reading Voyages With Vampires.
Malfoy's gang had approached.

"Let's see-potty, mudblood, and weasel."

The gang laughed loudly, now all the students at the grounds were listening.

Ron pulled out his wand. "Say that again, Malfoy." He growled.

"Oh, you gonna fight us, Weasley? Or is your wand so second-hand it can't even do a little spell?" He sniggered.

Ron pulled out his wand.

"Ron, STOP." Hermione hissed.

But Ron had dropped his wand and punched Malfoy in the face, he fell to the ground.

"What's going on here?" Professor Snape had arrived.

"He punched Draco, professor!" Pansy Parkinson screeched.

Snape's face curved into a smile. He always loved to take points off Gryffindor.

"Very well... 50 points off Gryffindor forWeasley for punching someone.... 20 points from Potter because he didn't stop him... and 30 points from Granger for showing off." 

Ron looked like he was about to punch Snape now-How come he was so unfair?

Malfoy approached them.

"Oh, and I know Snape gave all the students in his Snape Club the power to take points off and add points... So let me make this a little bit fairer.... 10 points off Weasley for showing his ugly face... 10 points off Potter for being Gryffindor.... Oh, and 10 points off Granger for being mudblood..."

"Shut it, Malfoy." 

Everyone looked; Cho Chang had arrived, staring angrily at Malfoy.
She grabbed their hands, and they disappeared and reappeared at a pumpkin patch behind Hagrid's hut.

"You can APPARATE?" Ron asked, looking amazed.

"Yeah well, I have no time to explain now; Shall we go see Hagrid?"

"Snape Club." Ron snorted. "Like I'd want to be there."

She opened the door to a little hut; and there stood the biggest man Hermione had ever seen.

"Hello Hagrid!" Cho said.

"H'llo Cho." Hagrid said cheerfully.

"I brought some friends with me today."

They stepped inside Hagrid's hut; there was a boiling tea, rock cakes, and a dog named Fang, who slobbered over Hermione's lap; they ate rock cakes, (which broke Ron's tooth), and talked with Hagrid. They said they would come to visit again, as it was Hagrid they liked, certainly not the rock cakes and tea which was just boiled water.

They were happy to eat again in the Great Hall, as Hagrid's food was not as good.

Once they were back in their Common Room, everyone was fussing about an announcement on the bulletin board.

"What do you suppose it is?" Harry asked.

"Dunno, I hope it is apparation lessons so we could apparate like Cho." Ron said.
They breaked through the crowd, and Hermione saw an announcement, which was better than any apparation lesson.


The Gryffindor Quidditch Team is currently looking for new people to play on the team. This year, Professor Dumbledore decided to bend the rules a little and let first-years try out for Quidditch Tryouts. The tryouts will be held on September 3rd, wednesday. Hope to see you all there! -Madam Hooch


"WICKED!" Ron's mouth was hanging open.

"You're going to try out, right Harry? And you Hermione?"

"Of course!" Harry said looking excited.

"Wow! Quidditch tryouts for first years.... what position do you guys want to try out for?
Chatting excitedly about Quidditch with Seamus Finnigan and Lavender Brown the following night, they fell asleep later on the red couch.


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