Ch. 10

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Alison's POV
2 weeks later.

Today after school, Emily and I have an sonogram appointment for the babies. Hopefully we will hear their little heartbeats.

After a few rounds of morning sickness at school, (which might I tell you, was definitely not in the morning! Who the hell came up with that anyway?) I go back to class.

Fitz assigns us a project on a book that we're reading in class, Great Expectations.

Emily goes to get up out of her desk to come work with me, when Noel comes up to my desk.

"Ali?" He asks.

I look at him coldly and sigh,

"What do you want, noel?" I ask.

"I want you back." He says, bluntly.

"No." I say, and continue taking notes for the project.

He looks like he's going to hit me, when Emily comes over and puts Noel's arm down. He rolls his eyes.

"Noel, just leave me alone. I don't like you, and I never will in that way ever again. No. Leave it at that." I say, calmly before I lose my shit.

Emily sits in the desk next to me and rubs my back.

"Ali, it's okay. Noel, she doesn't want you, so please go and do your project with someone else. Ali and I are pretty much joined for life anyway, so go do your own thing." Emily says calmly.

Noel scoffs and walks away.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me.

"Everything sucks. I want food. I'm nauseous, and my boobs are so  sore. They've literally never been this sore in my entire life." I say.

"I could massage them for you." Emily says.

I slap her arm and giggle.

"Girls, do your project." We hear Fitz say to us.

We have to pick our favorite quote from the book, and translate it better, basically.

(I obviously do not own this, it's an excerpt from the book Great Expectations.)

"I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all; I love her none the less because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection." I say, reading from the book.

Emily was smiling at me.

"What?" I ask, giggling.

"You're human perfection." She says.

"I love you." I say.

"Emison, quit the porn." We hear Hanna say.

I roll my eyes.

"I could've said the same thing the other night, when I literally walked in on you and Caleb having sex. You continued, even after I made my presence known." I say.

"Whatever." She says and continues with her project.

Emily and I go back to ours.

After class, Emily drives us to the hospital for the prenatal check up.

I sign us in quickly, and then sit and wait.

My foot is tapping and I'm doing the hair thing again.

I'll admit that I'm scared.

Maternal instincts are no joke. If anything happens to my babies, I have no idea what I'll do with myself.

Toujours; Emison.Where stories live. Discover now