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jungkook's p.o.v. (yayy)

we were all getting ready to go to a kareoke  and ther were a bunch of drunk guys there and they were all looking at us well not us but (y/n) we all got a kareoke room and we all picked songs (y/n) chose butterfly and so did i so we decided to sing it togetherand when were done a drunk guy comes in "heyy guys if you dont mind i-i j-just need t-this girl here" "what? me?" she says "yeah you" he pulls her out and slams the door we rush out right after and he first one out him yoongi he was running like theres was no tommarrow.

"LET HER GO!!!" i hear hyung yell we all look and she the man holding her from the back (y/n) was crying "please let me go please" i hear her beg we cant do that princess we want you for ourselfs want to know why?" he pauses then continues "to fuck you for our pleasures but its ok if you like it to" he smirks "LET ME GO!!!" 

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

"LET ME GO" i say as i feel something hit me really hard and everything went black 


i wake up but my eyes are still closed and i wake up in the arms of someone it was yoongi he was crying into the crook of my neck i open  my eyes "y-yoongi?" "(Y/N)!!!!" "thats my name what happened?" they explain it to me and then the doctor walks in "oh your awake my name is and you (y/n) can be checked out" "hmm thank you" "no problem" they go to sign some papers and come back toget me we drive and my head still hurt from the whole thing as we got inside i go to the room and just fall on the bed as if i passed out in the air yoongi looks at me in shock and then taps on me "yeah" i say as i smile brightly at yoongi "meet me on the roof ok?" "ok just dont push me off ok?" "ok" he leaves and i take a shower and get dressed in

kim and you (y/n) can be checked out" "hmm thank you" "no problem" they go to sign some papers and come back toget me we drive and my head still hurt from the whole thing as we got inside i go to the room and just fall on the bed as if i passed ou...

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i go up to the roof to se all the boys standing there and a dinner the boys were singing butterfly and i looked at yoongi we ate our dinner and after that he looks at me "what do i have something on my face?" "no" the table rocks and knocks over a glass and i look at it when i look back i see yoongi on one knee "(Y/n) (L/n) will you marry me and be by my side for the rest of my  life?" i look at him eyes wide and crying "yes!!" i say and the boys start laughing "i love you" he says "i love you too" we then kiss and hug again.

(hey guys how are you im doing great the next chapter is the last chapter just saying it was fun writing this book thank you all for reading it).

love at first sight? yoongi, bts X readerWhere stories live. Discover now