1 : New School

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up and looked at my alarm. It's 7.24 AM. School starts at 8 AM.

Wait, what ?!

"Y/N wake up it's your first day going to new school, don't be late".

My eomma shouted from the door.


I took a quick shower and wore my new school uniform. I just put on some mascara and lip gloss since I was quite late.

 I just put on some mascara and lip gloss since I was quite late

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Then I ran to kitchen and had my breakfast.

"Faster honey, appa is going to send you today"


I gave a peck on eomma's cheek before went into car. Appa drove me to school and luckily I didn't late.

"Take care y/n-ah. Appa can't pick you up after school-"

I cut his words.

"It's okay I know you're busy. I can take the bus."

Appa smiled and kissed me on the forehead.


I got off the car and looked around.

So this is my new school.

I let out a sigh before went to the office. You know, some stuffs to be settled.

I opened the office door and saw a woman at the counter. She was busy typing something on the computer keyboard. I looked at her nametag. It's Mrs. Yona. She stopped typing and looked at me.

"Yes miss how can I help you?"

She asked politely.

"I am the new transfer student, Kim Y/N. I want to take my schedule."

I answered.

"Ah, you're the new transfer student. Wait a minute, I'll go get it."

I just nodded and waited patiently.

"Miss Kim, this is your schedule"

She said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Thank you for your help. I got to go"

I grabbed my schedule and bowed before exited the office.

I take a look at my schedule. My first class is history. How boring.

I walked, trying to find the class.

Aigoo, this school is too big. How can I find my first class?

I turned around as I felt someone tap my shoulder. There stood a girl smiling at me.

 There stood a girl smiling at me

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"Hi i'm Jennie. Are you probably the new transfer student?"

"Yes I am. Btw my name is Kim Y/N , do call me Y/N."

I smiled.

So the rumor about the new transfer student has spread already, I'm quite famous then.

"What's your first class? Lemme take a look at your schedule."

She grabbed my schedule.

"It's history , same to me. Cmon lets go together i'm sure you dont know where is the class."

"Kind of."

I laughed and we walked to the class.

I can feel that all eyes were focused on us as we entered the class. There was no teacher so the students were quite noisy until Jennie opened the door.

"Jennie-ah , you- I thought it was the teacher."

Said a guy at the back.

"Whos that?"

The other guy asked.

I felt like a pair of eyes were staring me so I looked around and-


Okay this is my 1st time do this stuff , hope y'all liked it. Leave a comment below , and dont forget to vote. -sophie-

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