11 : Revealed

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"Hm?" He didn't even look at me.

"Joonie and Kookie were yours and Jungkook's childhood nickname? Like seriously? Childhood? How'd you guys knew each other?" He looked at me for a few seconds before focusing back on driving.

"Uh yea that's our childhood nickname. Do you still remember when you were 10 and I was 13 I used to hang out with this one guy living in front of our old house, he's Jungkook. We were neighbor too back then." He explained still didn't facing me, yeah if he do that uh wanna die?

"But how can I didn't knew a single thing about this?"

"How can you know if you don't went out of the house?  Aigoo Y/N you have no friend from childhood cause you were too shy to be friend with the boys since there was no girls in the neighborhood" He paused.

"But now I am really thankful that Jungkook is your boyfriend. At least he can take a look after you when I'm not home. And-"

"And what?"

"Nothing" He stopped the conversation.


"But now I am really thankful that Jungkook is your boyfriend. At least he can take a look after you when I'm not home. And-"

'I'm sure he can take care of you very well, I trust him.'

We stayed silent until we arrived to the airport, get off the car and walked in.

Walking to the arrivals, I looked for my parents. While I was looking around, I saw two familiar figure waving towards me. After making sure that's my parents, I grabbed Y/N's wrist and dragged her to the arrivals.

"That's appa and eomma"


I turned her body and pointed towards our parents.

"Ah, gaja (let's go)" It was her turn to pull me towards them.

"Eomma! Appa!" She ran towards our parents and hugged them.

"Awe my daughter, I've been missing you hardly. Were you fine staying alone at home?" Appa asked worriedly.

"Gukjunghajimaseyo (don't worry) , everything's fine."

"Appa and eomma doesn't even miss me? Hmph okay you guys only have a daughter" I said in a lowered tone while pouting.

"Appa and eomma doesn't even miss me? Hmph okay you guys only have a daughter" I said in a lowered tone while pouting

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"Appa eomma someone's sulking" Y/N giggled.

"Aish my son I miss you too three and four also five to six then seven" Appa said, pulling me for a hug. Eomma just patted my back.

"Oppa sooo cute when sulking" Y/N pinched my cheeks.

We all laughed.

"You know Y/N , I look cute and handsome all the time" I said proudly.

She burst into laughter.

"Enough with the laugh let's go eat I'm hungry already" Eomma placed her hand on her stomach.

"I know I know!! Let's eat jjajangmyeon Namjoon's going to treat us cause he finished his studies!!"

Wow Y/N what a brilliant idea 😭

"Yah who say I'll treat?" I protested.

"No excuses my handsome bro let's go" She pulled my wrist.

I got no choice. I had to do it anyway.

Suddenly she stopped walking

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Suddenly she stopped walking.

"Hey carry eomma and appa's luggage" She ordered.

"Why meeee"  I pouted. But still I pull those luggages.

How can Jungkook likes a girl as her?

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How can Jungkook likes a girl as her?



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