Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

He leaned eyed or I'd have to look away from his hypnotic eyes and that was one thing I didn't want to do. (And not just because he had gorgeous eyes either.) His eyes burned into mine with a furious rage, I shivered and shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm waiting for an answer, boy!" he snarled. I flinched away from him, pressing myself against the door, hoping that the door would swallow me. My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth again.

"I said that I have better things to do then watch after you all day." His eyes narrowed, he grabbed my arm and yanked me away form the door. His grip was painful but I didn't say anything, as not to make him angrier then he already was. Still holding on to me, he yelled, "Guards!"

Almost instantly the door was thrown open by the two guards, which always stood outside of Arthur's room. They scanned the room quickly searching for any sign of danger or anything that would potentially hurt their prince. Their eyes landed on me, still in the prince's grasp.

"Sire, you called for us?" The older of the two guards asked, while he and his partner bowed respectfully. I looked between Arthur and the guards fearfully, knowing that my fate would be decided with in the next couple of seconds.

"Yes, I did, take this disrespectful brat and stick him in the dungeon for the night." he shoved me towards the younger guard. 'Brat? Who is he calling a brat?" My head screamed indignantly. Arthur turned away from us, dismissing us with his hand.

"Brat? Who are you calling a brat? You self-centered, self-serving, arrogant, pompous git! YOu're the brat! Demanding this or demanding that, then acting like a child if you don't get what you want! Everyone knows this just they're just to scarred to tell you." I paused to take a breath, the guards grip on my arm tightened. Sometimes I wish I had something to keep my mouth from speaking, so I could avoid times like this but unfortunately I didn't. Arthur looked over his shoulder and gave me a scathing look.

"On second thought, instead of releasing him at first light, throw him in the stocks and let the villagers deal with him." The older guard nodded, bowed and turned to leave, the younger guard bowed quickly and started to drag me out of the room. I sneered at Arthur as I left, he scowled.

The trip to the dungeon was quiet, see as how almost everyone was asleep. The guards didn't say a word to me, only scowling at me occasionally. The dungeons were a dark place, both physically and mentally. The only light came from torches sparingly placed on the wall. Screams from prisoners echoed off the walls, faint but loud enough to hear clearly. The soft sound of rats moving around reached my ears, I shuddered. The younger guard shoved me into the first open cell we came across, I stumbled and fell against the palliass (AKA- straw mattress). I looked back at the guards and scowled as they shut and locked the heavy, wooden door.

"Just sit there and keep yer' mouth quiet. The sun will come up soon enough." The older guard's gruff voice cut through the silence, they turned and left, taking the light with them, leaving me to ponder what the prince meant by the villagers.



The sound of the cell door being opened jerked me from my sleep. Though I just gone to sleep, I was completely asleep, like I had gone to to sleep hours before. I squinted, the light coming from the guards torch blinded me momentarily. Blinking, I raised my hand to cover my eyes and looked out of the tiny window, I'd discovered last night, streaks of pink, blue, purple and orange covered the sky, the first rays of sunlight. I was leaving the dungeon. Happiness shot through me, I was leaving this smelly, hot, rodent infested place!

"Get up, boy, come with me." The grouchy, old guard, the same one that brought me here last night, grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the sell. What is with everyone yanking me places? Just like that my happiness disappeared, my wondering what Arthur meant by letting the villagers "deal with me" got me no where, I still have no clue what he meant by that. I was half dragged, half pulled up the steps. The younger guard, also from last night, was waiting at the top of the steps, he grabbed my other arm, trapping me between them. They lead me through the halls and sometimes into rooms, just passing through to get to another room or hall faster. My feet slowed many times, the weariness from last night and the lack of food catching up to me, each time they would slow down until I got my feet underneath me.

The front doors loomed over us eventually; dark and dangerous. The doors were thrown open and the early morning sun streamed into the hall and for the second time today I was blinded. the guards shoved me through the doors, not waiting for my eyes to adjust, and down the steps. Almost everyone in the square stopped what they were doing, to watch as the guards marched to the stocks. The stocks itself wasnt that impresive. It was just a block a of wood that was raised to a little taller than someones waist, with three holes that were cut in half when the top half of the wood was moved. It had a latch on the one side so they could lock it.

After slamming the lock into place, my legs gave out and I was able to relax as well as one could in the stocks, the guard turned to the village people and said, "Have fun and rotten fruits and vegetables only." What is he talking about? Rotten foods? wouldn't, would they? The villagers cheered and scattered, to obviously, get all the rotten fruits and vegetables they could find. The older guard turned towards me with a slightly sad smile.

"It was nice knowing you." With that both of my guards left. Sighing, I slouched a little more but it was a bit uncomfortable so I ndidn't stay like that for long. By then a few of the villagers had start to return with the required foods. After about ten minutes or so, a guard showed up, one that I didn't recognize.

"Get in line and listen up. I'm sure everyone knows the do's and don't's. Please remember that he at least needs to be able to stand when this is all over." I saw some of the people smile and theyweren't nice smiles either, I gulped. "Let's start."

With that everyone moved, arms went back and things were being me. When the first fruit hit me, I wasn't expecting it to hurt but it did. It was like someone slapping you really hard and it took all of my might not to cry. As the rotten fruits and vegetables came, I don't know what possessed me to look up but I did and I wished I hadn't. Prince Arthur was looking out of his window, looking at me, with this triumphant smile on his face. My temper flared and I glared at him, with a promise of revenge burning in my eyes.


They stopped a little bit before sun set, my body ached from what it had gone through in the last two days. A guard came to let me out and I nearly collapsed right there but knew that if I did i would probably not like the consequences if I did. I made my way to Marcus's rooms, stumbling here and there but managing not to collapse on the way there. I knocked on his door and propped myself against the wall until he opened the door. He looked much like he had the first day I'd met him, hair messy and clothes awry. His eyes widened when they fell on me, he helped me get into my room, after weaving through his room. Laying me on my bed he brushed my short hair out of my face and went to leave. I grabbed his sleeve before he could take two steps.

"Thank you." I was able to mumble before I let him go. He smiled slightly and a patted my head.

"I'll be back in a bit with a tub so you can clean up." I nodded with the little strength I had left. Saph crawled over to me and nudged me with his nose. 'This is why you should learn to be quiet and not speak your mind.' I didn't have the strength to reply. Right as I was about to fall asleep my bedroom door was opened and Marcus came in with a couple of people caring a tub filled with hot water. I sat up and almost fell over but Marcus caught me. He sent everyone away.

"Come on, Maria, you need to get into the bath and clean up before you can sleep." Saph nudged me again and I felt some of his strength come into me. I looked down at him and smiled. I stood up and moved away from Marcus's warmth. He smiled and left saying, "If you need anything shout."


After almost falling asleep in my bath a couple of times I got out, dressed and fell onto my bed. Stroking Saph, I made a promise to myself that I would try to stop speaking whatever came to mind and with that I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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