Bio (Part 1)

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You/ Reader

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You/ Reader

Name: Y/N L/N

Nickname: The Gamer, The Prince, The Future Warrior, Wielder of the Azure Grimoire, Host of the Black Dragon God, Black Swordsman, Host of Vesikoira, The Saiyan Prince, The Silver-Eyed Warrior, The Meta, The Time Assassin, Ultimate Dragonslayer, The Ultimate Annihilator, The Black Beast, The Harem King

Race: Saiyan, Blacklight-Infected, Dragonborn

Looks: like in picture

Age: 16 years old

Gender: male

Personality: Calm, Open Minded, Warm-Hearted, sometimes childish, caring
In Combat: Merciless, Cold-blooded, knows exactly what to do, very serious

Likes: Videogames, Pizza, Family/ Friends

Dislikes: Bullies, Arrogant People, people who hurt his family/ friends

Favourite Quote(s):
'What's so hard about swish swish stab?'
'I am fucking awesome!'
'At the end of the day, if I'm stronger than you and if I'm faster than you, then I can kill you! And that's better than anything money can buy!'
'Bow Chicka Bow Wow!'
'You can't win.'
'I am a true warrior!'
'I am THE META!'
'Your nothing but trash!'
'Get out of my way!"



Mother: Cinder Fall (From: RWBY)
Father: Vegeta (From: Dragonball)
Older brothers: Michael 'Maine' Creed, Isaac 'Felix' Gates, Michael J. Caboose (All from: Red vs Blue)



Gamers Body
An ability that allows you to live the real world like video game. After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP and MP and also restores every status effects.


Gamers Mind
This ability allows you to calmly and logically think things though and allows a peaceful state of mind. It also gives you immunity to psychological status effects.


You can check the stats from others, what there names are and what race they are.


This is like an invisible shield, that protects you from damage. Your Aura colour is (f/c).

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