Chapter 5: Travel with me

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White stared up at N's sea colored eyes. Why was he here? To challenge the gym? Why was he staring at her? Why did it seem like suddenly there is almost no space between them? No, wait-

"U-um...",White stuttered as she took a step back.'Wow this kid lacks knowledge of personal space',she thought looking straight at his eyes. For a moment, she thought she saw his eyes turn away from hers for a second.

N scanned her, his eyes moving quickly never stopping anywhere. "You're planning on challenging the gym", he stated. White could obviously tell he wasn't happy about that.

"Well yes i am",She replied as if it was obvious. N looked back at her"May i ask why you force your team to battle?"

White frowned, "I don't force them, if they don't want to fight I will respect that and not force them to, if they want to then they will."

N studied her face as she spoke, and N doing that made white a bit flustered so her face became pink. 'This is seriously, not okay man', she thought as she looked away feeling uncomfortable.
"You are a strange Trainer...I wonder if there are more like you",he pondered. White looked up at him again, "wait, you've never met a trainer who doesn't force pokemon to do things they don't want to?",she asked.

"No, you're the first",He said looking at her in the eyes. White studied his face. She could tell he wasn't lying, and she could also tell he's seen things at a young age normal kids or teens shouldn't. He was like a book, waiting to be opened and for white,it seemed like she opened the book at the middle of the story. People are usually so easy to read, but for N, its different.

"Then why not travel with me?",White asked smiling. N looked at her in bewilderment.
How could a stranger ask another stranger such a question? As N was about to gently refuse, White stopped him.

"You said you've never seen a person who doesn't force pokemon to fight right? Well there's plenty of people out there who are like me, if not better. Traveling may help you see that",White said, still smiling.

N could refuse if he wanted, it didn't change anything, but if he agreed white would have the chance to show him the good in trainers. Now white isn't naive, she knows all too well there are people who aren't like her but since N has never seen anyone who isn't he HAD to meet others like her, cheren and bianca.

N looked away in thought. There could be benefits of him going with white, but then again they could meet trainers who aren't like her. White could tell he was having a hard time thinking about it so she awkwardly tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"I know I offered you to travel with me out of the blue, so you can take your time! I'll probably be staying in this city for a while till my team is ready to challenge the gym. If you agree to go meet me in front of the pokemon center two days from now at noon. Is that okay?",she asked tilting her head.

N slowly and cautiously nodded.
"Good, then I'll be going now. See ya around N",she said walking away from him just as nurse joy called her to get her pokemon.


White walked around the city and found a entrance covered by bushes. Nearby a sign read, 'Dreamyard'

"Sounds magical",White mumbled and walked towards the place. After fighting some trainers she reached an area with a fence gate.

White grabbed the gate and tried moving it to the side but all she managed was a puff of exhaustion from her cheeks.
"Aw man.."

"Hey miss!", A young girl called. White turned to her and smiled then knelt to her eye level "hey there! Can i help you lil miss?",White asked. The girl giggled, "May i see what pokemon you chose first?"

"Oh, sure!",White said blinking then grabbing tepig's pokeball from her bag. She threw it lightly in the air and after a puff of smoke disappeared, there appeared white's loyal friend.

"Tepig?",Tepig asked smiling and tilting his head. The girl looked at tepig then nodded and smiled. She turned to white while holding out a pokeball, "here miss!" she said excitedly.

White grabbed the pokeball and looked at the little girl. "What's inside?",She asked as the little girl looked at the pokeball with said eyes. "That's my pansage miss. I'm moving to hoenn tomorrow, however I'm still young,and not of age to be a trainer until a few weeks later, and my pokemon want to desperately travel with someone already. It would be unfair of me to keep him here with me when he could have the perfect chance to travel"

White smiled sadly and gently patted the girls head, the girl blinked in surprise when she saw a few tears fall. She quickly wiped them away and smiled at white "please, take good care of him!"

White nodded, "i will, i promise that once I've become unova champion, I'll look for you in hoenn and there i'll return to you what you held dear most."

The girl smiled and hugged white surprising said girl. "Thank you miss...can i say goodbye?", she asked looking at the pokeball. White nodded and sent out pansage who was already in tears.

The girl hugged pansage and pansage hugged back. "I promise we'll meet again, so until the nice miss become champion okay?"

Pansage cried his name out in response and nodded. After a while the girl let go. She looked up at white, "my Bernadette...please look for me!"

White nodded and smiled "i'm white, don't forget our promise!", she said holding out her pinky finger for the little girl. The girl smiled and held white's finger with her own.

The girl waved goodbye and left. White turned to pansage and smiled. "Alright pansage, what do you say we become stronger together? that way, we'll be able to find Bernadette together!"

"Pansage!",He cried happily as he climbed on her shoulder. White laughed a bit and pet him. "Let's do some training, alright?",she said smiling as pansage nodded.

White headed out of the dreamyard but not before looking around quickly. From the corner of her eye, she saw long green hair from a tree. White tried to not laugh and kept walking. 

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