Chapter 1

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Stars POV

It was always me and Marco. Marco and Star. We would always do things like eat midnight Nachos and ride bikes and walk, eat, and hang out together. He was my lover, and my best friend 

Until he started dating jackie. 

He would always find time to spare me in his daily routine or whatever, and we would go on magical adventures after school but- they just aren't the same.

He would do more things with Jackie and even make me ride the bus home alone because he was with her

And this voice kept telling me that Marco doesn't want anything to do with me, so I believed it.





*The next day*

I walk into the classroom to find an empty seat where Marco would sit. I felt a little worried about him so I set my text books down at my seat and wanderer throughout the hallway.

I call his name a couple times and I still hear- nothing

Why did I even bother? I put on my fake smile and walk into the classroom , acting like I didn't care about Marco when I really was.

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