14. Gray x Natsu (Gratsu)

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Author~chan: *sitting in office typing on laptop* Okay, so first this, then I can do this, and soon that...

Lucy: *runs in crying* Author~chan! Author~chan!

Author~chan: *looks up from laptop* Lucy? What's the matter?

Lucy: Natsu's cheating on me!

Author~chan: I know.

Lucy: What?!

Author~chan: I am the author, I choose their paths.

Lucy: You're the worst! *runs out*

Author~chan: I know. *starts typing again*

~At the court~

(Everyone that is a dragon slayer and everyone in Fairy Tail are here)

Makarov: Natsu, you are being accused for cheating, is this true?

Natsu: *sitting in chair* Yep.

Makarov: Huh, that was easier then I expected.

Zarina: *runs in* Master! I havs big news!

Makarov: What is it Zarina?

Zarina: I found out why Natsu cheated on Lucy!

Makarov: Really? Why?

Zarina: It's because....he's gay!

Everyone: *silent*

Makarov: Are you insane?! If we assume he cheated merely because he's gay and we're wrong, we'll look both desperate and homophobic!

Zarina: Master, I completely believe this, you have to trust me.

Makarov: In that case, where is your proof?

Zarina: There right there! Look at that tanned, well-tinted skin, look at the killer shape he's in, look at that slightly stubbly chin, oh please he's gay, totally gay!

Makarov: I'm not about to celebrate, every trait could indicate, a totally straight expatriate, this guys not gay, I say, not gay.

Everyone: That is the elephant in the room, well is it relevant to assume, that a man who wears perfume is automatically radically fay?

Cobra: But look at his croiffed and crispy locks.

Zarina: Look at his silk translucent socks.

Elfman: There's the eternal paradox, look what we're seeing.

Zarina: What are we seeing?

Elfman: Is he gay....

Zarina: Of course he's gay!

Elfman: Or European!


Everyone: Ohhhhhh...




Everyone: Gay, or European, it's hard, to guarantee, is he gay, or European... *all look at Sting*

Sting: Well hey, don't look at me!

Erza: You see they bring their boys up different, in those charming foreign ports, they play peculiar sports.

Everyone: In shining shirts and tiny shorts! Gay or foreign fella, the answer could take weeks! They both say things like "Ciao Bella" while they kiss you on both cheeks!

Zarina: Oh please!

Everyone: Gay or European, so many shades of gray!

Sting: Depending on the time of day, the French go either way!

Everyone: Is he gay or European? Or-

Juvia: There right there! Look at that condescending smirk, seen in on every guy at work, that is a metro hetro jerk! That guys not gay, I say, no way!

Everyone: That is the elephant in the room, well is it relevant to presume, that a hottie in that costume...

Zarina: Is automatically radically-

Gajeel: Ironically chronically-

Erza: Certainly pertin'ly-

Sting: Genetically medically-

Everyone: Gay! Offically gay! Officially gay! Gay gay gay!

Natsu: *kisses Lucy's hand*

Everyone: Damnit! Gay or European?

Gajeel: So stylish and relaxed-

Everyone: Is he gay or European?

Laxus: I think his chest is waxed.

Erza: But they bring their boys up different, there it's culturally diverse, it's not a fashion curse-

Everyone: If he wears a kilt, or bears a purse! Gay or just exotic? I still can't crack the code!

Juvia: His accent is hypnotic, but his shoes are pointy toed.

Everyone: Huh. Gay or European, so many shades of gray!

Lissana: But if he turns out straight, I'm free at 8 on Saturday!

Everyone: Gay or European? Gay or European? GAY OR EURO-

Freed: Wait a minute! Give me a chance to crack this guy, I have an idea I'd like to try.

Makarov: The floor is yours.

Freed: So, Mr. Dragneel, this cheating on Ms. Heartfilia has been going on for...

Natsu: Two weeks.

Freed: And your first name again is...

Natsu: Natsu.

Freed: And your boyfriend's name is...

Natsu: Gray.

Everyone: *gasps*

Natsu: I'm sorry! I misunderstood! You said boyfriend, I thought you said best friend! Gray is my, best friend.

Gray: You bastard!


Gray: You lying bastard!


Gray: That's it! I'm not covering for you, anymore! Everyone, I have a big announcement! This man is gay, and European!

Everyone: Woah!

Gray: And neither is disgrace!

Everyone: Oh.

Gray: You've got to stop your being, and completely closet case!

Everyone: Oh.

Gray: It's me, not her, he's seeing, no matter what he may say! I swear he never, ever, ever, swung the other way! *walks up to Natsu* You are so gay, you being parfait, you flaming boy band cabaret!

Natsu: I'm straight!

Gray: You were not yesterday. So if I may, I'm proud to say, he's gay!

Everyone: And European!

Gray: He's gay!

Everyone: And European!

Gray: He's gay!

Everyone: And European, and gay!

Natsu: Fine! Okay, I'm gay!

Everyone: Hooray!

Dun, dun dun dun dun!

~Meanwhile in author~chan's office~

Author~chan: *dancing around* He's gay! And European! He's gay! And European! He's gay! And European, and ga-oh, hello readers! So, I hope you liked this gratsu special! It took a pretty long time to make! I will make a part 2, where the dragon slayers react to gratsu, just like any other ship.

Gratsu is my OTP, so I wanted to make it special. Anyways, I think it's time to end the chapter. So, as they say in Japanese, Kon'nichiwa! Oh shit, that mean hello.

Author~chan can't speak Japanese very well.

Next ship-Gratsu part 2.

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