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Soon it was 11:30. Wow the time surely flies, whoever said that was not wrong. I was jittery, anticipation was over the brim, what if the plan doesn't work? What if someone dies and it's all my fault? I can't let these people down? All these questions were eating me up (no pun intended) when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rhea, Nancy and Aika standing in front of me. 

"Hey I was just--"

"We know what you're thinking Athena. Don't worry, everything will go as planned, we all are here with you." Aika spoke up first.

"But what if something goes wrong, I don't want to lose anyone of them." I stated my thoughts.

"Look no matter what happens out there, it's gonna be out there. See at least you tried, I didn't see anyone else trying to stand up in this situation. We believe in you okay." Rhea poured some encouragement in me.

"Now come on bring that game face back and let's kick some zombie ass."  Always count on Nancy to turn the situation. I felt confident after the little speech my friends gave, the plan will work, it has to. I can't and I won't let anyone down.

I got up and cleared my throat. "Okay people, time to get to safety. Let's get out of the room first and meet up with the others."

We get out of the room and I go up to the Commerce class. I knock on the door "It's time guys, let's go."  All of them pour out and the hallway suddenly gets crowded.

"Matthew and Ronald do one thing, please head count how many of us are there. Take your sections." I tell them. Two minutes later both of them come with the numbers.

"We are 30." Matthew said. "We  are 20." Ronald reports.

"So we are fifty in total, that is a good thing as well as bad thing." I said

"Please explain because I fail to understand how is it a bad thing." Matthew burst out. 

"I just mean that it would be difficult to take such a huge group together, it means more mouths to feed and more need of resources. There are lot of chances that one or the other will slow us down. That is it." I clarified.

"So you're implying that we should ditch some of them?" Ronald argued.

"What! No, I am implying that we have to move quick so we save everyone. I am not leaving anyone behind, I am saying even though we a big group, we will try to save each and every person here. So don't get me wrong, because I will fight to my last breath to see all of you alive and safe. I promise I will not let anything happen to them." I explained myself. 

Without a word both of them hugged me, "Thank you" Matthew whispered.

"Come one we have work to do." I said. I went forward, in the front of the scattered group and gathered everyone around.

"Listen up guys, before we do anything, there are few instructions I would like to give. Please follow them, okay? First of all, when I say go, don't look back, just rush to the other side and don't blindly run okay, we don't want anyone to get trampled. Systematically  go through the door. I also need four boys to hold off the zombies while everyone safely reaches the other side. So any volunteers?"I ask. Obviously Matthew raises his hand, Keith, Oliver and to my surprise even Jake raised his hand, with him few others were there too.

"Okay Matthew, you're with me, Sam, Alex, Max three of you as well. Keith, Oliver, Jack, Hayden and Carlos I want you all to take up the front and make sure no one gets hurt. If any zombies are left, kill them. Everyone is clear what you have to do?" I ask. There were few 'yes' along with affirmative nods. "Okay then, divide yourselves in the first two rooms on each sides. Four of you-  "  I point at Matt (short for Matthew), Sam, Alex and Max- "come with me". We go in the rest of the classes and pick up desks from each class. 

"How exactly are we going to distract the zombies" Alex inquires.

"Yeah about that, Colton has some firecrackers, don't ask me why he brought them. Anyways, we'll burst some crackers while we are hiding behind the desks, once the zombies reach the end of the hallway, we block them while others get out. When everyone is safe, we run back and close the doors and lock it. Simple."

"Simple? You call that simple? It's a suicide. You're crazy." Max said.

"It will work don't worry." I assure them. "But how are we suppose to hide and burst the crackers?" Sam asked.

"What we will do is support the desk with its legs facing the wall and hide inside it and we will throw the whistlers, they make the most noise and that too loud one." I explain.

"Are you sure it will work?" Matt questions. "I am positive." I firmly said.

"Let's not waste time, the more we wait, it will get more dangerous and difficult to get out." I said.

"Okay let's do this" All of them said at the same time. "Alex go and get the crackers from Colton, we will set up the desks. The last one on the right is your place and it's you who will throw them. Got it?" I said.

"Sure." Alex answered and went into one of the rooms. By the time he returned we had arranged everything and we were ready to go. 

"Everyone remember don't make any extra movement and try to hold your breath for a longer time, so take deep breaths." I tell the four boys. They give a nod and with that confirmation I give the signal to Keith, who was standing near the door to open it. 

 As soon as the doors open Alex threw the first whistler, as expected it made loud noise. We waited for few moments but we were only surrounded by the silence. Nothing came our way. Just when we were about to check it out I heard growls coming from some distance. Throw one more I mouthed to Alex. He threw one and that did the work. A hoard of zombies came rushing in. This was terrifying, all of us stood still as if we were statues. Minutes passed, which seemed to be hours and I saw no more zombies coming in.

"Now" I yelled. Me and the boys made the wall and in my peripheral I could see the others led by Keith moving out. The commotion caused the zombies to turn around and I think they might have got the whiff of fresh human flesh, they started attacking. 

"Hold your grounds guys" I shouted.

" God they look disgusting and smell gross" Max said.

"Doesn't matter just be careful and don't let them bite you." I instructed.

Okay this was overwhelming, there were so many of them. I just wished this got over soon and to think that these creatures used to be people that I know was even more terrible. 

"Hey everyone came this side, it's only you guys remaining. Come on leave them and run." We heard Jake shout from behind.

We were struggling to hold the creatures off and hearing Jake call us was the best news of this day. 

"Okay boys, push the tables at three and run like hell. 1, 2 , 3 go, go, go." I shouted. 

All of us ran like there was no tomorrow. Matthew was the first to go through the doors, then Alex and me with Sam and Max in line. The door was immediately closed Max locked it. That was the moment when everyone took a relaxing breath. I looked down the hall and saw everyone there and I was relieved to see everyone safe. 

"Did anyone shut the grill at the beginning of the corridor?" I asked. 

"I will go and close it off." I heard Pete say and he scampered away.

"What do we do now Athena?" Jake asked.

"Now we rest till someone has a plan. Ask everyone to get some sleep, I have a feeling that we are not staying here for long." I said.

Everyone goes off doing their own work, I saw some girls crying, others were comforting them. I felt something wrong in the air, like an uneasy feeling and I knew that what we saw was just the beginning. Something big was yet to come.  

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