Chapter 8

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Before we could proceed, a creature reveals herself to us. She was barely conscious and was extremely weakened. "H-Hello... My name is Lemmy..." She says softly. She's a selkie. Aisha holds out her hand, as the two of them begin to bond.

"Awwww, that's adorable!" Stella squeals. I watch them in pure amazement, as they finish bonding. Lemmy turns to stare at us, with a smile on her face. "Thank you, Aisha," she says. "Tritannus took my powers, and you restored it."

I cheer. "Lemmy, please take us to the shimmering shells," Aisha requests. The said selkie nods lightly, before leading the way. I look around, remembering when Tritannus and I journeyed to the shimmering shells.

I was standing at the edge of the balcony staring at the sea. It was so gorgeous today! Not only was the sun rising, but the sea was a pretty dark blue color.

All of a sudden, Tritannus comes to the surface. "Hey, Aqua," he says casually, as my face lights up. "I found something really cool, and I wanted to show it to you."


He nods. "Come on already!" Tritannus states, beckoning me for me to jump in the water. "We don't have all day!" I chuckle to myself, before getting on the ledge and jumping into the water.

He leads me through the underground waters of Andros to a cave. "What's in here?" I question, tilting my head to the side. A warm smile forms on his face, before he takes my hand and hurries inside.

The cave was surprisingly pretty. There were seashells all around the entrance of the cave, along with right below us. As we continue on, it became even more pretty. The seashells began to shine, as my eyes widen in pure amazement.

"And, look!" Tritannus states, pointing at an enormous seashell in the center. It seemed to shine the most out of anything, as my heart flutters within my chest. "This is amazing! It's so pretty!" I state, as Tritannus smiles.

We soon arrive at the cave, as a bittersweet smile forms on my lips. "Follow me," Lemmy says, leading us into the cave. Much to my surprise, the inside of the cave was covered in pollution. Suddenly, everything around me shifted, until Jax and I were the only ones standing there.

"I've never loved you," he states, as a frown forms on my lips. "I was only using you. You're a weak and pathetic fairy." I scowl, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Something is wrong. He would never say that to me. Sure, Jax may tease me a lot, but that's unlike him.

"Aqua, it's an illusion," Aisha says abruptly, as my eyes flash dangerously. I clench my fists in rage, before glaring at the fake Jax before me. Like I was thinking, he's not really Jax.

"You're pathetic," I state. "Jax would never say that to me. He cares about me and would never hurt me." A second later, the illusion disappears, as my friends come into view.

"There it is!" Aisha declares, pointing to a seashell in front of us. The seashell was completely covered in pollution, as tears form in my eyes. I approach the seashell, before wiping the pollution off of it. "Out of all places... Why did you have to come here, Tritannus...?" I murmur.

After that, the seashell gave us a new riddle, before leaving us alone. "It's time to head back to Alfea," Bloom states, as I stare at the seashell for a moment. We return to the surface and get out of the water, before releasing our transformations.

I groan, realizing that my jeans are now soaked

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I groan, realizing that my jeans are now soaked. "That's not a look I would go with," Stella remarks. "It's cute, but jeans and water don't mix well." I nod in agreement, before furrowing my eyebrows in concentration.

We soon head back to our dorm, as the other Winx girls come to meet us. "What could the next riddle mean?" Tecna asks, before searching for it. I run a hand through my hair, trying to think about it carefully.

"I know!" Stella exclaims. "Solaria!" I look at her, as my eyes light up. When did she actually get smart? "Alright, I'm going this time," Roxy says excitedly.

"I'll stay here just in case the Sirenix book appears," Rena states, before glancing nervously at me. I heave a sigh, before nodding lightly. I look at Bloom, Tecna, and Musa, with a frown on my face.

Suddenly, Bloom's phone rings. She quickly answers it, as her eyes widen in horror. "What!? Earth is in danger!?" She shrieks. I raise my eyebrows in alarm. If anything, we need to save and protect Earth before it's too late.

"Magic orb, teleport us to Gardenia!" I order. Within seconds, we appear in front of Bloom's adoptive parents. I just hope that whatever is wrong, we can fix it.

Winx in the Ocean Where stories live. Discover now