"I Love You" (A Connor McDonough One Shot)

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Hey guy!

Yet another one shot down!

This is for EmieWrenJohnson, she is writing some really good fan fiction for One Direction, Greyson Chance, and Before You Exit of course. So go check her out. :) she's Pretty cool!!

Anyway thanks for reading.!

-Izzy :) Xx


"Hurry up, Emie!" the blond haired boy pulls at my arm. We've been walking for almost thirty minutes now and I'm getting a bit impatient. His blue eyes gaze down on me.

"Where are we going Connor?" I ask curiously. He smiles and weaves his fingers into mine.

"I can't say. But I'm super excited because I've been planning this for awhile," he looks down at me with a breathtaking smile.

"Really?" I question him. I've been dating Connor for almost three weeks now and I still wasn't used to being called beautiful, and having things planned for just me.

"Of course," he whispers in my ear after twirling me in a circle and pulling me into his chest. I bite my lip, and blush hard against his shirt.

"Do we have much further to go?" I ask when I unravel myself from him.

"We're extremely close," he laughs at my impatience.

None the less as soon as we round the corner he stops me in front of an arcade. I glance up at him in confusion.

"You should really see your face right now," he snorts out.

"An arcade?" I ignore his previous comment.

"Yup." He smiles and ushers me inside.

My eyes widen when we walk inside, and I run my fingers through my auburn hair. There are millions of sounds, and flashing lights. Everything is lit up by black lights and glows in bright shades of neon. My white hoodie is a bright blue. I just stand there like a gaping idiot.

"I'll be right back," Connor chuckles into my ear. I nod up at him as he walks over to the counter. A large man with a mustache smiles widely and pats him on the back. Interesting.

I pull my gaze back to the millions of games. I wouldn't know where to start. I've never been to a real arcade before. Only the small ones in malls and movie theaters. Unless you count Chuck E. Cheese's. Which I don't.

"Ready?" Connor's voice pulls me back to reality causing me to jump slightly.

"You scared me," I laugh, "What was that about?" I ask implying to his exchange with the large man.

"Oh nothing," he shrugs, "Just Mario, an old family friend."

"Okay, sounds Italian," I shrug it off, "Let's get started!"

This time I drag him. We run around from game to game like little kids. We laugh at the tops of our lungs at the stupidest jokes, and get overly competitive. I beat him at ski ball, but he whooped me at guitar hero.

We receive many odd looks but don't notice a single one because we are in our own little world.

We are at the dance game, where I clumsily fell on my butt and was currently sitting there laughing extremely hard and Connor is trying to ask if I was okay between burst of laughter, when Mario walked up.

"It's ready," Mario says to Connor, despite my prior assumption he doesn't have an Italian accent.

"Thanks," Connor smiles at him having regained his composer. Mario looked down at me on the floor.

"You did good," he winks at Connor before walking off. I raise an eye brow at Connor.

"Want to go up to the roof," he asks while offering a hand to help me stand up.

"The roof?" I say confused, and accept his hand. I dust off my pants when I'm on my feet.

"Come on," he pulls me over to the corner of the arcade and opens a door that leads to a stairway going up. I reluctantly follow him up the steps.

He stops on the very last step, with his hand resting on the door knob to the door that leads to the roof.

"You ready?" he asks excitedly.

"I'm not sure what I should be ready for, but I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I say.

"Okay," his smile is huge, as he swings open the door. I step outside and gasp.

"Oh my God," I stutter out, "It's so beautiful."

"That's what I was hoping for," he smiles.

Small Christmas lights line all the way around the edge of the roof, and soft music is playing out of a boom box in the corner. Right smack the center of the roof is a single round table covered in a white table cloth. A few candles are lit on the table, and two places are set with a full meal ready to eat sitting on them.

I glance at Connor, my mouth hanging open and eyes wide. He chuckles and uses his index finger to lift my chin and close my mouth. He then places a small, yet very sweet, kiss on my lips.

As he pulls back I'm blushing really hard and bite my lip. He grabs my hand and intwines our finger, he never lifts his blue eyed gaze from my brown eyes. His eyes are deep, and full of passion.

"You did this for me?" I question. I don't dare to pull my brown eyes away from him.

"Yeah," he says sheepishly. He wraps his arms around my waist, and pulls me closer to him.

"I just wanted to make you feel special, and beautiful. My girl deserves everything," he winks at me," and I want to give you everything, because I love you Emie."

My stomach explodes into butterflies, neither of us had said that before. I feel my cheeks getting bright red.

"I love you, too," I say.

His hand, that had been at my waist, travels up my back to the nape of my neck. He pulls me even closer to him, and I wrap my arms his neck. He leans closer and closer. Slowly his blue eyes flutter shut, and his lips are on mine. I close my eyes.

Our lips move in sync against each other. I push my hand into his blond hair, and his two hands rest on my hips. His tongue slides across my lower lip asking for entrance. I happily oblige, and part my lips. I feel his warm breath in my throat, and smile into the kiss. He feels this a smiles into it back.

Slowly, and reluctantly, we both pull back with Huge smiles on our faces. Connor clears his throat.

"I think we should eat before the food gets cold," I nod and grab his hand pulling him to the table.

"I Love You" (A Connor McDonough One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now