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One month later

"What the fuck!"Alan shouted as he threw his phone to the ground.Kendall,Kylie, and Hailey were downstairs and heard Alan as he shouted and threw more objects to the floor.

"What happened?"Kylie asked as she walked into the living room were Kendall and Hailey were standing by the stairs.

"We don't know, but he sounds pretty mad."Hailey said.

Kendall looked worried as they heard more things being thrown to the floor and some things breaking.

"Let's go check on him."Kylie said.They nodded and walked upstairs.

They walked down the hall of the second floor and made it to the last room.They heard as Alan threw a final object and then they heard sobbing.

Kendall knocked on the door but he didn't answer."Alan?"She whispered underneath her breath.

Alan was by now sitting on the floor next to his bed, the bed he and Camila use to sleep in.The big empty bed that no longer felt soft nor warm...without her.

"Move."Hailey said as she moved Kendall away and opened the door.

Their eyes widen as they saw the mess he had caused, they felt like tears were about to escape as they saw the state in which he was.

"Alan!"Kendall shouted as she ran up to him and hugged him.

He slowly hugged her by the waist.He cried into her shirt.Hailey and Kylie then joined the hug.

"Alan, what happened?"Hailey asked

He lifted his head up and slowly handed her his phone.

Hailey took it and unlocked, her eyes widen as she saw the picture that popped out.

Kylie then took the phone and her eyes widen as well.They both continued hugging him.

Kendall then took the phone, but instead of her eyes widening, her face heated up as she was in anger.

"It took her one months, one months to move along and forget about me."He sadly spoke

"shh, Alan relax."Hailey said as she rubbed his back

"This is all my fault, I should've never been distant, I should've been there by her side when we lost our baby, I should've been there, but I wasn't, I was drinking, drinking my pain away and blaming myself."He said as he got up and moved away from their embrace.

He then walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?!"Kendall asked as she got up and walked towards him

"Somewhere."He answered as he walked away and left the girls standing confused in his room.


Alan was sitting in a bar, drinking his fifth shot.

He downed his last shot and asked for another

He was waiting there, fidgeting with his fingers

"Tough night?"

Alan turned around and saw a brunette Melanie her way towards him, a cold stare.

Alan turned around and saw a brunette Melanie her way towards him, a cold stare

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She smirked as she saw Alan's face, he had his mouth slightly open.

She sat next to him as she held onto her drink

"So you didn't answer my question, tough night?"She asked once again

He looked at her and furrowed his eyebrows."Is it that noticeable?"he asked as he finally received his drink

"I mean you are in bar, all by yourself, and you kinda look like a mess."she smiled

He rolled his eyes."Well yea it's been a tough day."he sighed."I just found out my ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend, and it only took her one months to forget me."

The brunette placed her hand on top of his, Alan lifted his head and looked at her.

"Wow...why am I telling you this?You probably don't even give a fuck."

She chuckled

"You're actually right, but it looks as if you need a friend."

He looked away and then back at her

"What's your name?"Alan asked

"Eiza, Eiza González."She smiled

"I'm Alan Ro—"

"Alan Rodriguez."She interrupted

He chuckled and nodded."Do I have a fan?"

She removed her hand from his and laughed

"Ha, you wish Rodriguez, but I can't really deny that you're pretty handsome."

He smiled."I'm flatter."

She smiled and looked at his eyes

He then looked into her eyes and then down at her lips, he licked his lip.

"You wanna dance?"He asked



The next morning

Alan woke up, but he was surprise that he didn't have a headache.

He then felt something on his arm, he looked down and his eyes widen as he saw the brunette.

He then remembered that after Eiza and him danced, they had more shots and they talked

He even remembers them making out, and how they ended up in her house in her bedroom.

"Shit."He mumbled as he laid back down.


This is the Trailer for this book.

Thank you and for being so supported and reading my books

I love you all

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