Scar girl

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Hi. I'm Lucy. But everyone calls me Scar girl. I'll explain. This is how it works in our world. When you want to insult someone, call them a rude name, judge them, swear at them... you cut them. You go directly to the person with knife, dagger or blade and cut them. So by what everyone calls me, I'm guessing you can probably picture what I look like. I am completely covered in cuts, scars. Not all of them are from other people though. Yes, I cut myself too. I figured one day when I don't have any more cutting space on my body they would stop hurting me. People judge me when I don't want to go with the trends. I wear oversized and comfortable clothes. Others insult me because I'm a virgin. I have virgintyphobia. And I have had many nightmares about being raped. I'm scared of being raped. People my age call me a idiot because I drink, smoke or do drugs. I know what you're thinking:"Why don't you give up? Just let loose? Do what other people say?" I can't. Because I'd rather be Scar girl than give up. I may get hurt every day of my life but I'll keep getting hurt. I'd rather be hurt than hide behind a mask of what others see as perfect. I'd rather get hurt than being someone I'm not. I just want to be me. Even though I'm the only Scar GIRL I'm not alone. My boyfriend is Scar boy. He understands me. He literally risked his skin being with me. And he stays with me no matter what I'm like or what I like look like. Some people call us the Scar couple. Others say we're losers. But if it weren't for my boyfriend, family and I would not have this stamina with pain. This is my life. The life of a scar girl.

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