Chapter Eleven

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Nico di Angelo

Percy felt really shitty after he came home. The others were still out and about. And he just looked like shit.

"Hey, babe," I said, walking over and taking his hands. "Are you okay? You're not looking so hot."

He shook his head.

"It was a bad day." He was honest about what happened, at least. "I threw up, and I'm not sure if it was because of the depression or like actually being sick because I normally don't throw up my food. So I'm kind of feeling gross."

"We have a shower to take care of that." I stated. "Anything else?"

At first he debated whether or not he should say it. But he did.

"My dad showed up."

"Didn't you and your dad make up?"

Finn shrugged.

"I mean, I thought maybe, but I wasn't sure about it." My boyfriend told me, and I could tell that this hurt him worse than just being sick. "And it wasn't a big deal, he knows the family of course. He gave Andrea a present. I guess he gave one to Alex. And I basically got to find out that my dad goes to every one of Alex's birthdays, Andrea's birthdays, and Lionel's birthdays. Gets them presents. Talks with them. Brings them places. Does things with them."

He started to tear up.

"I felt so shitty when they told me that, Nico."

I pulled him into a hug, because that was real shitty. You don't do that to someone, much less your kid.

And it's not like Percy was ever that far away. He lives like ten miles away from Olympus. He was right there.

But his dad ignored him anyways.

He just hit rock bottom again. I went to go get him some stomach relief from upstairs and I came down five minutes later, if that, and he was cutting. Just a mess.

Finn let me take the knife from him, and immediate he goes off on the whole "I'm so sorry" tangent because this just destroyed him and pulled him back down into being suicidal and hating everything about himself.

It was fucking awful. But that's what it was.

I cleaned him up and made sure that he was cleaned up before he went and fell asleep in our room. Which, I checked to see that's what he actually did. And sure, it was only like 6, but he was exhausted.

I got a text from his aunt. She told me that Finn wasn't answering his phone and she was worried. He seemed a bit off at the end of the party and I told her what I knew. His dad being there just really fucked him up because he found out some stuff that made him feel like pure shit.

The others got back at 6:45.

"What's the plan for..." Frank started and noticed the absence of my boyfriend. "Where's Percy? He said he'd be back at like 6, I thought."

"He's upstairs," I answered their question.  "Fell asleep."

"Asleep?" Piper questioned. "Nico, it's not even 7."

"I'm well aware," I assured them. "But he got sick and then his dad showed up and like ruined his entire day and like it was a mess. He was feeling really shitty and figured it was better if he went to he'd rather than do other things."

"Oh," Annabeth was able to figure it out right away. "That's uh... Bad. We'll have to do something nice for him tomorrow. Is he okay?"

"I mean... No. Not at all. But at least it's the weekend."

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