Chapter 12: Jumpin around y'all

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Allura's P.O.V:

I went to find Lance. "Lance!" I called. He stopped and looked at me. "What is it Allura?" he asked. "I need to tell you something" I said. "Keith likes you." "What?" he asked smiling. "Keith's in love with you, he even whispered it to us one day." He looked surprised. "He really loves you Lance" I said. He smiled. "Where is he?" he asked. I shrugged. Lance ran to try to find Keith, his princess.

Anyone's P.O.V:

Lance ran to Keith while Keith ran to Lance. Everyone wanted these to gays to be together. They would be a hella cute couple. (INDEED!) Then, something stopped Lance. He saw a familiar someone an stopped. Keith kept running to find Lance. Finally he saw him and stopped. He smiled. "Lance!" called someone. Keith saw the girl running towards Lance. "Raina" said Lance. He ran to the girl. "Lance I missed you!" said the girl, Raina. "I missed you too" said Lance. Raina kissed Lance on the lips.

Keith's P.O.V:

Tears filled my eyes. Lance loved someone else. "Lance I am so happy to see you, I really want to fix this" said Raina. Lance smiled. I ran away. I didn't want to see Any more of this mess. I ran into my room. Shiro was there. "Keith" said Shiro banging on my door. "Go away!" I yelled. He signed and I could here footsteps leading away from my door. How could I be so stupid? Lance didn't love me. "Keith" said Pidge. "What?" I asked. "Please open the door, we can talk-" "No!" I yelled. "Just, leave me alone." I curled up under the covers crying. Soon I cried myself to sleep.

"Keith" said Lance. "Lance" I said. I ran towards him crying tears of joy. Then, I stopped. "Keith, I can't believe how dumb you could be" he said. "Why would I love a weird emo like you?" He laughed. Raina came beside him and kissed his cheek. "I would never ever love someone like you" he said. "Your nothing, a nobody, everyone abandons you even your own parents." "Lance" I whimpered. "I hate you Keith Kogane" said Lance. "I hate you and your emo self forever and always."

"No!" I yelled waking up in a cold sweat. I had been dreaming. It felt so real. Tears stained my cheeks. I bursted out into tears. "Keith" said someone. "Please, open the door for me." I opened the door and Marie sat down on my bed. I locked it back up.

Marie's P.O.V aka Me:

I looked at Keith. His cheeks were wet, his hair and clothes were a mess. "What happened?" I asked. "Love" said Keith. "I thought Lance loved me but, he doesn't." He sat down on his bed crying. I sat  beside him and hugged him. "Oh Keith" I said. "I know how bad love is." "Y-you do?" he asked. I nodded. "I love a guy at our school" I said. "He'll never notice me though." Tears started forming in my eyes. "I've loved him since we were kids and he won't ever, love me back." "Marie" said Keith. "I'm sorry" I said. "I'll go back to be happy Weirdo here to solve problems." I smiled.

"Keith" I said. "If you love something, right for it." "What?" he asked. "You love him, go ask him out" I said. "What's the worst he says? No? Well, then it's his loss cause your amazing Keith." He laughed and smiled. "R-really?" he asked. "Really" I said. He hugged me. "Thank you" he said. "Of course" I said. "I'm here anytime Keith." "Okay" he said. He fixed himself and walked out the door. He smiled and ran away.

Lance's P.O.V:

Keith saw Raina kiss me. He think I don't love him. After I told Raina o wanted to be friends i walked away. I went to go Keith. He was the one I loved not Raina. Then, I heard he hated me and now here I am walking alone at night. I wish he would just come and kiss me and say he loved me.

Anyone's P.O.V:

"Lance!" yelled Keith. "Lance!!" Lance looked up and saw Keith running towards him. "Keith?" he asked. He saw him closer. "Keith!" he yelled. He ran to Keith. They met in the middle and hugged. "Keith I'm so sorry" said Lance. "I didn't realize how much that hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you K-." Lance was cut off as a soft pair of lips met his. He closed his eyes and pulled Keith closer. His hands on his waist. Keith had his hands in Lance's hair.

They broke the kiss to catch their breath. "I love you Lance McClain" said Keith. "I love you too mullet head" said Lance smiling. "Forever and always."

The End..

Hahaha! Almost done!

Pidge walked to her house and saw Shiro with Allura. She knew he'd never like her. She knew that to him she was rarely anything. Pidge walked to her room and went to sleep.

Marie smiled as Keith ran to Lance. She knew those love birds would be together one day. She sat on the bed looking down. Tears started to form in her eyes. She loved him but, he'd never love her. Marie's one true love (Not Lance or Keith or anything) would never love her. She pulled out the photo and looked at it. His brown hair. His perfect eyes. Some said he was annoying but, she loved him. She never felt this way for anyone since Elijah but, he would never love her.

The End Now....

Yay Klance! I'm so happy I finished something. I really hoped you loved this short story and enjoyed this journey. I might make a story with Marie aka me and Pidge but, who knows! Comment if you want me to. Author out! Peace ✌

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