He makes you breakfast in bed (Niall, Harry, Louis)

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Niall: "Princess? Are you awake?"You open your eyes and look at him.

"I'm awake what is it Niall?"

He looks nervous, "Well I tried making you breakfast, but, um everything got burned."

He sets a tray in front of you. Burnt eggs, burnt toast, burnt pancakes, the only think that wasn't burnt was the orange juice. You look up at Niall, his cheeks were bright red, you chuckle and lean over and give him a kiss on the forehead,

"It's perfect, thank you babe."

Harry: "No its suppose to go after! I'm such an idiot."

You wake up to the sound of Harry yelling, you yawn and stretch feeling great after a good night's sleep. You walk into your's and Harry's shared bathroom and do all the essentials, as your about to leave the room Harry enters.

"Y/N? Your up already. Don't bother going downstairs I made you breakfast." he says with a cheeky grin.

He holds up a tray, with bacon, sausage, and eggs in one hand, and in the other a bowl of Weetabix. He sets the food done and comes over to you, picking you up and carrying you to the bed. He sets you down, and pushs the food towards you.

"It looks amazing, thank you Harry."

He kisses your fingers, and holds your hand, "Anything for you baby."

Louis: Louis wasn't good in the kitchen, everyone knew that, but that didn't stop him from trying to make you breakfast.

After a few failed attempts, and the fire alarm going off , which didn't wake you up, thank god. He just gave up and pour you a bowl of cereal, he walks to your room and see's you sleeping peacefully he almost doesn't want to wake you up.

But you would wake up sooner or later anyway so he started ticking you, "Come on baby girl breakfast time, your boo bear made you breakfast."

You did not want to get up, but you did anyway when you saw that "breakfast"was cereal you smiled and ate it knowing that he tried, then you and louis spend the whole cuddling and watching movies.

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