Hange is a poker god

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A/N: Hey! I'm new to wattpad (well, on this account ;P), so I'll just say 'Hi! I'm the weird bitch who writes strange fanfiction who's name is LeviAOwnsMyDick'

Well thats not actually my name but you know...


...Wait, what was I saying?

Oh, yeah!

This is so ridiculous. This is like, not my actual account, and yet it's got more likes and favorites than my other one does. Apparently people like kinky shit better than they like regular rated T shit, eh? This is literally SIN.

But, you know, it can't be helped. I'm a thirsty bitch ;P

Thanks for reading, and don't hesitate to message me!

-The-weird-kinky-sin-writer-that-you-don't-fucking-know-why-you're-listening-to T-T

(Also, please call me Capitaine or Corporel!! Senpai is fine too 😉😉)

Levi twitched in his seat, barely containing a moan as he shifted in his large chair. His vision was blurry, his hands shaking slightly as he clenched them on the surface of his desk and he arched his back, sweat rolling in beads down his neck. He clenched his teeth, hoping that no-one would come into his office and see him like this. He would never get over the humiliation.

Banging his head against the desk and growling as a shiver coursed through his body, Levi recalled the night before, and the terrible mistake he'd made.

'Hey, let's play a game!' Hange had shouted, tugging Levi towards the hallway and Erwin's office.

'I don't want to play a game, Hange! I have papers to organize!' Levi screamed at them, trying desperately to pull himself out of their grip, but it was too much. Hange wasn't a particularly strong person, but their grip was a death grip. They wouldn't let go unless they truly wanted to.

'Levi, you need to settle down! Come on, one game of poker! We can play stakes too!' They called gleefully, the increased pressure on Levi's wrist proving they weren't asking. It was essentially an order.

'I am your superior officer! Let me go NOW!' Levi shouted, dragging his feet, and Hange pouted. They stopped, turning around to face Levi with puppy-dog eyes.

'Please?!' Hange whined, releasing Levi and adding, 'Just one game!" Levi was fully prepared to say no, however, something about what Hange had said gave him an idea. He smirked.

'Stakes?' They nodded ecstatically, hope filling their eyes.

'You have yourself a deal; only one game. But I get to choose the stakes,' Levi had said, watching as Hange nodded in assent. They tried to hide their glee as Levi followed them down the corridor to Erwin's office, and Levi knew exactly what he was going to have them do after he won.

However, when it comes to Hange, things never go to plan.

"Fuck, who knew Hange was s-so good at poker..." Levi stuttered, shivering and clenching his hands together. He hunched his shoulders, his hair sticking to his forehead as he struggled to maintain his composure. He could just hear Hange cackling in the back of his mind, their high-pitched voice like a siren.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, the sound reverberating through the spotlessly clean room, and Levi looked at the door fearfully. He clawed at his desk, clearing his throat and preparing to tell the person to go away, but his body had other plans.

A powerful stream of pleasure rushed through his body and he groaned, laying the top half of his body against the desk, panting. His eyes were squeezed shut, his hands clenching and crushing the stack of papers in them. Tears streamed out of his eyes and he pressed his cheek against the desk, breathing deeply.

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