Parties ~ Part 3

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He leads me to his car which is down the street a ways. He explains he didn't want anyone breaking into his car. He's smart. I start to shiver, it was so cold out.

"You're shivering like a nervous chihuahua. Take this." He offers me his jacket. I refuse because then he'll get cold. "(y/n), please, just take it. I don't want you to be cold." I finally accept it and I'm glad I did. It's warm from his body heat, and it smells like him. Am I really falling in love with this guy? We just met... But he seems so nice. I look up and catch him looking at me. He quickly looks away and turns pink. I start to blush as well. Does he like me? No, it can't be. A guy as nice and handsome as him has to have a girlfriend. We finally approach his car. He opens the door for me and I hop in. I quickly text Taylor.

Me: hey i got a ride home you don't have to worry about it

Taylor: alright, im gonna stay here overnight, im too wasted. dont have too much fun you two ;)

Me: Taylor ew stop

Taylor: hehe baiii

He comes around the other side and hops in. He starts up the car and we head to his place.

Do I really like this guy? Like do I only like him because he was nice to me? Is he just putting up a show? Maybe he'll stab my heart. I wonder if he-

"You alright over there?" He interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah, just tired I guess."

"Alright well if you need to talk, I'm here" He flashes me a smile which makes me blush. He turns up the music. I recognized the song but I guess it was one of Dan's favorites. Somebody To Love by Queen. He started singing and he's so good! He has to do something musical. I guess I was staring a lot because he caught me looking and I blushed.

"Join in (y/n)!" He shouted over the music. I always thought I sucked at singing but I felt so comfortable around him I just let it out.

The guitar solo played and he nudged me to start singing.

"Oh Lord

Ooh somebody, ooh somebody

Can anybody find me somebody to love?"

He whips his head as I hit the last note perfectly.

(Dan's POV)

I turned up the radio and like one of the best songs at that moment came on. Somebody to Love by Queen. I started belting out the lyrics. I look over to find (y/n) staring at me. I start to blush. I make eye contact with her and she also blushes and looks away. I nudge her to join in. She sings the lines after the guitar solo like perfectly. I'm taken back. She has such a good voice. We belt out the last lyrics together. She hits the high notes with such ease. We need to duet. I turn on the most known song, Africa by Toto. She looks at me with this look that could kill a man. We exchange singing lines solo, and some together. We bomb the chorus. We were approaching a neighborhood so I turned down the music.

"Oh come on man, where are those fresh tasty jams?"

"We're in a neighborhood we have to keep it down, especially at this time of night." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes and she was pouting. It made my heart melt so much. Then she made my heart explode. She rested her head on my shoulder and was hugging my arm like a stuffed bear. Is she flirting? Or is she just tired? Is she drunk? I don't know...


I need to make some sort of move. Think (y/n), think! Wait, I got it. I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged his bicep like a teddy bear. After a few moments, he starts running his hands through my hair. I can slightly hear his heartbeat and it's going crazy. He must be anxious, how fricken adorable. After a few minutes he said we were at the apartments. Dammit. That was nice. I wish it lasted longer... I go inside my apartment and grabbed a few necessities for a sleepover. No, it's not a sleepover. He's housing me temporarily. He waits for me outside and he leads me to his apartment. He holds the door for me and I look around, taking in his decor. I see some gaming posters, and some 80s band posters.

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