Chapter 19

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1 month later

Jon's P.O.V

It's now the week before Christmas and we're all going on winter break tomorrow. Francesca and I have been trying to decide where we're going to spend Christmas since we wanted to spend it together but we just decided for each of us to go home. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her for four weeks but I guess we'll just have to Skype. I'm just excited to see my family again.

I walked behind Francesca as she was packing and wrapped my arms around her waist and said "I'm gonna miss you." She turned around and hugged me leaning her head into my chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too. How am I supposed to survive without you?" She asked looking up at me and smiling.

"I honestly don't know I mean I know I make your life so much better." I said smirking at her.

"Oh you're so conceited, but you really do." she said slapping me in the chest.

"You make my life better too." I said kissing her forehead and hugging her as tight as I could. I'm not gonna be able to do this for a while.

Francesca's P.O.V

After I was done packing Jon insisted I help him pack his bags because apparently i'm so good at it. I'm actually the worst packer ever he's just lazy and doesn't wanna do it himself. But I agreed because as long as i'm spending time with him it doesn't matter what i'm doing. 

4 hours later

"We have to go Jon we're gonna be late" I said as I pulled him out of bed. We're going on different flights but they're leaving at the same time. Our flights leave at twelve but I get home at five in the morning and Jon gets home at four in the morning. 

"I don't wanna leave." Jon whined burying his head into the pillow.

"Come on don't you wanna see your family." I said trying to convince him to get up.

"Ughhhh okay let's go." He said finally getting up and getting our bags. We were all going our separate ways except for Emery and I. Since we both live in New York we decided to take the same flight. Ricky and Charlene's flight is a little earlier than ours though. We walked outside to find that everyone was already waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long?" Emery asked.

"You might wanna ask this one." I said pointing to Jon. We walked towards the car and started putting our luggage inside. 

Jon's P.O.V

The car ride to the airport was pretty quiet apart from the radio playing in the background. I know this sounds kind of creepy but throughout the whole car ride all I did was stare at Francesca. The way her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders and the way her green eyes glow in the sunlight. I don't know how i'm gonna live without seeing her. We made it to the airport just on time to check in and go wait for the plane to come.

"Where do you guys wanna wait for our flights?" I asked Francesca and Emery.

"Well where are you supposed to be waiting?" Emery asked me.

"I'm supposed to be at gate 2A." I told them

"Well we're supposed to be at gate 2B so I guess we could sit at either one and then leave whenever our flight is called." Francesca said.

"Yea that sounds good." I said as I reached for Francesca's hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked. 

Francesca's P.O.V

We've been sitting at the airport for about an hour and they finally started calling people into my flight. Well not really finally cause I don't wanna say goodbye to Jon but I really don't wanna sit here anymore. We got up and started walking towards the door that leads to the plane. I was holding on to Jon's hand as if it was the last time i'll ever see him. I mean it's the first time we'll be apart and we basically live together. I stood to the side as Emery said goodbye to Jon. 

"I guess this is it." Jon said as I walked towards him with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. I stood in front of him until he pulled me in to give the tightest hug possible. I'm gonna miss his hugs.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I said into his shirt. I looked up at him and saw tears building up in his eyes.

"Don't cry princess. You're making me cry." He said holding me tighter.

"We're a mess." I said

"But you're my mess." He said. I reluctantly let go of him knowing we both had to go. He leaned in to give me one last kiss and I grabbed my bag and walked towards the lady to give her my boarding pass.

"I love you" Jon said just as I was about to leave.

"I love you too. Forever and always?" I said

"Forever and always" He said. I blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket.

The next day

Jon's P.O.V

I was finally back home in Indiana and I was texting Francesca to make sure she made it home safe.

"Who are you texting?" Joey asked me.

"Francesca, why?" I asked

"Oh of course and just cause you look so happy and in love." he said smirking at me.

"Oh shut up" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"So tell me about her." He said

"Well she's the most beautiful girl in the world. She has beautiful green eyes and light brown wavy hair. She's a nerd but she has her stupid moments too. She's probably the clumsiest person in the world apart from me. She has a beautiful voice even though she'll never admit it. She sweet, caring, weird, crazy, loving, and she's just amazing. She's also probably the nicest and most awkward person in the world but that's what makes her adorable. She's just everything to me. I don't know how I got so lucky." I said

"Well now I definitely have to meet her since you're madly in love with her. Why didn't she come for Christmas?" He asked

"She was going to but I didn't let her cause I know how much she misses her family." I said.

"Well then maybe you should go and surprise her." He said

"You know I never thought of that. But how am I supposed to leave you guys here to spend Christmas by yourselves?" I said

"We'll figure it out. Just go I know you really want to." He said

"How am I supposed to ask her parents though?" I asked

"I have a plan" He said

A couple hours later

"Hey babe" I heard Francesca say through the computer screen.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked

"I'm just sitting here with my brother." She said looking to her side. 

"Wait hold on I'm gonna go get something. Jon you can just stay here talking to Nick." I heard her say as she left. Suddenly the screen changed to a guy who looks just like Francesca, Or actually Francesca looks like him. 

 "Hey, you must be Jon" He said waving at me and smiling.

"Yup that's me. Um I have a question." I told him.

"Uh okay what is it?" He asked

"I was wondering if maybe I could go surprise Francesca on Christmas eve." I said

"Well yea sure that would be great actually. It seems like she really misses you." He said 

"Okay that's awesome. I already have my tickets I just need you to help me with the plan." I said

"Woah so you bought your tickets even before you asked me?" He said. Oh no now he's gonna have a bad impression of me. 

"I'm just kidding. Oh my gosh you looked so horrified. Alright so whats the plan?" He said while laughing. Yup he's just like Francesca.

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