Like a Snake | Purple guy x (oc I guess but just replace ur name with it)

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For madradical

The sharp, white hot flashing pain in
Y/n 's battered shoulder pulled her away from her sleep and to the ear splitting sound of her alarm. The loud hum of her alarm clock cooing the familiar words
"making bacon pancakes making bacon pancakes," giving her an unsettling peace that would not let her rest again. Eventually moving her arm to what felt like a eternity in the dead of night she stopped her alarm. Giving an ominous silence of what's to come. Slowly rising like a vampire out of a coffin, Y/n slowly trudged along to her closet. Dressing in what was required of her at her ethereal new job at Freddy Fazebear's pizza. Switching into the uniform that were clearly picked without care from generic goodwill. Y/n dressed into the fitting uniform that she had hemmed herself using her bloodline's witch and mermaid powers. Rubbing her feet against the plush, raggedy green rug she trudged her way across the room tenderly as to not wake her sleeping sisters Grace Maddlyn Opp, and Emily I guess. Upon entering the pale yellow bathroom the color imitated a peaceful sunrise. Pushing herself on Y/n managed to put on a full face of makeup adding to a small sum of 300$. As she tried to look her best at her freshly birthed job as a security guard. Given that she had an unknown accomplice to the job, she attempted to look presentable for the potential crush. Due to the shattering end of her relationship on March 37th with her boyfriend that was a short, birchwood drumstick. Finding it hard to pick herself up each an every day and simultaneously trying to find a reason to live till tomorrow. But in high hopes, Y/n hopes she meet a potential soulmate at her new job.

~time skip lol I'm the author I can do what I want twelve year olds ,go suck an egg >~< ~

Approaching the pizzeria, it painted an image of a poorly lit and devastatingly underfunded like the California school system. The pizzeria had earned its notorious name with unfounded, grotesque rumors. Y/n payed no heed to anything that was said to her, she waltzed in with little caution paying a handful amount of attention to any consequence that awaits her.

Ch15. Burger King foot lettuce the last thing you want in your Burger King lettuce is someone's foot fungus but that shir

Her childlike patter of footsetps decorated the fazebear pizzeria's deadly silent atmosphere. Following the hazy instructions of her boss, Andrew Gerad Mirabelli, Y/n slithered down the decrepit hallway, dimly lit to the point of desperately wanting to limit someone's vision. With little grace she immeaditely plopped her witch/mermaid butt in the leather chair causing dust to gush out from the sides. Almost ready to bail from the crushingly silent atmosphere, Y/n moved her tender spell casting fingers to her phone to check the time. Disregarding the haunting atmosphere she impatiently waited for the veteran night guard to guide her slender, snail creamed moisturized hands through this soul sucking place. Checking the time again, the bright phone illuminating the dimly lit room. The painfully white hot flashing pain shot to Y/n 's eyes as the intensely bright numbers read 11:58 contrasting the overbearingly dark watchroom. Heaving an impatient sigh, Y/n couldn't help but wonder about all the horrible omens she saw decorated in the room. Shivering as the socks were the only thing to keep her meat sack body warm within the money deprived business. The seconds before the job would start seemed to last over an hour, agonizing over every painfully silent second. Sick of the dead atmosphere Y/n messed with her witchcraft powers. She conjured a miniature threadlike golden wave keeping it going through her fingers as if it were a magical squirmle. The joy of her witch like ocean toy was sunddenly lost to abnormal footsteps leisurely prowling through the building as if stalking prey.

The footsteps slowly picked up along with Y/n's heart beat, anxiously awaiting her coworker or unpleasant surprise. With the harshly faint lit hallway gave room for Y/n's imagination to race to uneasy thoughts. Would she even like him? Would this job be her own personal hell? Had Y/n been killed by Bill Clinton in her sleep and this is some realistic twisted Hell she had been thrust into? Are mirrors portal to another world and Y/n accidentally crossed over?
~a/n lol Xd~
Y/n's heart felt like it was about to burst with the might of thousand bees(a/n forgot to mention she did coke before this with bill Clinton lawl just imagine I wrote it XD). Bathed in the warm, musty light Y/n was finally able to assess the humanoid shape standing before her. Although, he seemed to ethereal to be alive. Towering over Y/n regardless of his slight hunch he began to waltz towards the exhausted desk. Despite his David Nystrom like height, the most unsettling visual feature was his skin. Looking as if he was wrapped in a plush, velvety purple upon every inch of his skin it was sharply interrupted by the clashing white eyes. Y/n began to trace his face with her purple mermaid/witch eyes. Transfixed on the seemingly empty ,droopy "eyes" but held an air about them that would ensnare a meek, helpless animal.
"Feel free to take a picture if you like, Sweetheart" His voice dripping with forced sincerity and childlike immaturity.
"Hon hon hon,,,,,,,,," he chuckled lightly at his own remark, eyeing down Y/n as if she were chained to the debilitated chair.
"Oop Sorry I-,,," y/n quickly hurried to finish her sentence as to hide her increasingly red face. Feeling as if she was crushing a bed of delicate, freshly planted flowers.
"Hon hon hon, don't sweat it sweetheart. Ladies have the tendency to stare" Quickly cutting off any thought Y/n's thoughts by sitting down on the unkempt desk with an immense amount of arrogance.
"I am zeupposed to teach you?" He scoffed and chuckled a bit, as he seemed to hold all the attention in the room. There was heavy thuds from the hall.
"And this is coming from the guy whose entirely purple." Diving in head first, Y/n readied her self to fire back matching his tone of insincerity. Holding her ground , though held back by the thought of losing her finical income. A thud echoed but was soon drowned out by Y/n's increasingly audacious coworker.
"Hon hon hon, quite feisty aren't you sweetheart?" His sharp mouth sultrily shot back at the mermaid/ witch. As he began to inch closer at rate almost unnoticeable till Y/n would realize she was already caught in his trap.
"If you'd even care to ask, my name is Y/n." Stating her name with such boldness she shot out of the chair as he began to slowly inch towards caressing her face with his deceiving eyes.
A large thud from the rusty air vent ripped the stubborn coworkers attention away and shattered Y/n's courage. Y/n's coworker became a rushed blur in a scramble to grab a hollowed animatronic head. Without hesitation it was hastily shoved over Y/n's exasperated face.
"H-" Trying to interject her purple collaborator but was stopped by his unkempt hands. Y/n almost overcome with disgust as his rough hand over her saturated pink lips felt like it was shoved directly into the heart of this grimy establishment. Before being able to pry off his greasy hands the yellow lights flickered like a strobe light meant to scare small children on Halloween. Paralyzed by fear as a familiar animatronic stared with soulless eyes searching for something, or someone. Following its brief exit Y/n became flustered at a loss for words trying to express her unexplained confusion at her near death experience. Her coworker's movements became nimble trying to preform his job rather than explore someone else's behavior.
"Aren't you happy? I just saved you life swetty." A new tone of flirtatious pompousness rung through the air, as he wore his sinister smirk that seemed to glued to his painted face. Y/n intensely watching his methodical actions as his coarse arms had her mesmerized unable to form words and disregarding his cocky attitude.
"The rumors-" Y/n began to question hoping for the night to abruptly end. Feeling a knot in her stomach as all the grotesque legends came off of the back burner.
"Don't tell me you believe those sweetheart?" He laughed softly as he could sense how naive Y/n was being even if she didn't wish to admit it.
"What the fuck is going on." Sick with the toying, and his attitude that brushed away the near death experience. She could feel herself pale, as this job became a lot more than what the rumors entailed. Drowning in her own malicious thought she began to feel foggy, as she heard a hum that she assumed was the unreal associate. Knowing she was beginning to lose her grip on reality she forced herself back and listen to every creek and every pin-drop in the building.
"- this establishment is such a train wreck, especially after the murders." Not losing his place in the constant needs of the security night guard he lazily explained general knowledge that got blurred by lies.
"Whomstve." Trying to get a grip Y/n was only able to really hear the word 'murder'. That made stomach sink to the ninth level of hell, feeling as if the walls were closing in, Y/n kept trying to listen but began to fade in an out.
"You zhould really focus dear, this job requires the utmost attention." Completely brushing off the gruesome topic, he diligently dealt with the job at hand.
"Do you wish to help, or would you rather keep being a statue sweetheart?" His statement seeming like a joke concealing the malicious jab at Y/n.
"Maybe if you told me what to do I could help." Retorting back Y/n overcome with a wave of bitterness as her one coworker refused to do the one task they were given. Giving him a sharp glare that cut through the coy, playful mood that the purple man tried so vehemently to force on Y/n.
"Alright, relax doll." Already longing for the flirtatious mood he felt earlier before the shattering reality of this job that faced the new security guard. He began to explain every nook an insignificant detail that bore to the job, gracefully dancing around the tragic past with his words.
~time skip lol I the author I'm god here >:3c so hand ur toes over~

Nearly filled to the brim with a pool of anxiety, Y/n desperately hoped for the night to be over. Almost ignoring the glances the purple being snatched from time to time at her. Glancing over her figure her thick thighs that saved lives and her bright blonde laced with washed out blue hair that gently laid on her shoulders. His gaze was interrupted by the alarm As if a sign from god giving the signal that they would be temporarily freed from this hell. Y/n felt as if all the weight as anxiety she felt rolled off as she stood up from the decrepit chair. Mimicking her movements the sadistic coworker stood up in her path grabbing all her attention.
" Too bad I couldn't spend more time toying with you doll." His voice crescendoing into a new flirtatious high. Y/n forcefully pushed him out of the way rolling her eyes fed up with his boyish attitude. Making her way for the only means of escape, the purple man pursed. Making small remarks trying to push her buttons, get a rise out of her. As the two swerved through the mangled mess of the rooms, he finally went to his last resort. Copying Y/n's families behavior, he snaked a coarse velvety purple around Y/n's snail moisturized waist pulling her closer as if he was a python about to consume its prey. Y/n instantaneously wriggled in his human trap attempting to force him back, but like the prey she was couldn't.
"Aw what's wrong sweetheart? Don't you like me?" Giving his trademark smirk he gave her a playfully tug, keeping her entrapped in his surprising muscular arm.
"You are a disgusting 'human' being, let go." Enunciating each word, all dripping with clear disgust, but was contradicted by her scarlet cheeks. Y/n finally released herself from his trap, nearly pushing him to the wall, he shot back
"So feisty!" His eyelids dropped revealing his flirtatious body language. Like glue he stuck to her side once more finally getting the reaction he hoped for. Y/n slowly giving up as seeing the entrance gave her a sliver of hope. They inched towards the entrance at a snail's pace, passing walls that were a marvel that they didn't collapse under the terrible conditions of the pizzeria. The walls looking like they were falling apart reflected Y/n's patience slowly cracking under all the pressure. Her fists curling up trying to resist the urge to give him a good blow to his cheek to see what color he would turn.
Finally, exasperated she was about to step through the doorway removing her coworker like he was a vestigial organ. He only seemed to cling tighter not breaking his gaze of her witch/mermaid body.
"Okay the nights over, you can stop it." Y/n fed up with games trying to pry off his rough, royal purple hands.
"You should really say my name, it would look good coming off of your pink little lips." Wrapping his other arm around her trying to close the distance between them, pushing one against the other.
"You never even told me your name dickweed."
"Vincent" He said gently gazing
" sounds like a psychopaths name," Y/n retorted her face filling up with a burning red, as she tried to push him off. Chuckling at the remark, he shook his head a little distracted at y/n's naive voice. In final effort, she kicked him in his dickweed causing him to snap over in pain.
"Hot" he muttered under his breath that was taken for his new love. Y/n strode our with newfound pride as she got in her car leaving the loathsome establishment.

The afternoon son blazed through Y/n's snail green curtains lightly dusting her face, warming her bill Clinton like face. Slowly opening her eyes, she woke up once more to white hot flashing pain of her shoulder she begrudgingly began to stir. Her freshly birthed job filled her with resentment like any other given her new coworker Vincent. Just even the name gave way to a new anxious feeling of dread unbeknownst to her. Her stomach growled with dissatisfaction as she skipped over breakfast replacing it with nutritious sleep. A dreadful thought popper in her head, what if she ate at Freddy's? The idea became more fleshed out with the realization that she would get a discount, her parents being gone wouldn't provide food, and her two sisters Grace Maddlyn Opp and Emily were gone for the next few days. Also if for some reason Vincent was there, she could bring a friend along to help her. In an act of impulsiveness she texted Olivia Middle Name Parisez, and about to invite El Coke cola before remembering her tragic death by drone strike in Syria. Pushing all sour memories Maddlyn Grace Opp hopped out of bed to get ready ecstatic with her foolproof plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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