chapter 1 :prologue

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The day I turned 11 years old, was the day I lost everything, my mother and I were on the run from my dad for  the last few years jumping from place to place every so often, but this time we got careless and stay in one place too he found us

“GRACE YOU OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR THIS INSTANT!!!!” I could hear my father roar through the barricaded door

  My frightened mother quickly grabbed me with her right hand, a hand pistol in the other, pulling me into our bedroom, locking the door behind her

“Mommy I’m scared…” I whined

“I know baby, I know. It’s gonna be ok” she coaxed holding me to her tightly

We heard another loud bang, and the sound of wood beginning to crack

“He’s gonna get us!!” I cried

“It’s gonna be ok baby, you gotta promise me no matter what happens you gotta keep running and don’t stop ok? Promise me!!”

“i-I promise”

Suddenly a there was a loud crash. He had broken through the door and barricade, like we thought it would actually hold him off

“Gracie! Evelyn!!” he thundered make us both jump at his tone.

My heart pounded out of my chest as I could hear his footsteps get closer to our room, the doorknob jiggled a bit

My mother shakily pointed the gun at the door

“As usually grace you making thing difficult” he sighed irritably

The door violently flung open and in stepped a large beastly figure, his eyes blood red, fangs bearded

“Ah here are my girls”

I couldn’t help but scream and hide my face in my mother’s chest. I hated this form; I hated it even more that I could change into that monster too

“J-j-just leave us alone Dante!”

“Awww Gracie is that anyway to treat your husband?” he said as his beastly look toned down, turning back to normal

“You are not my husband, at least not the man I married” she said through gritted teeth

“Now grace you not really gonna shoot me”

She clicked the gun, preparing to fire

My father’s devilish smile disappeared as he was suddenly in from of us. He grabbed her hand, knocking the gun from her hand. Out of pure instinct she protectively pushed me away from her

heart of the wolf: a Xmen evolution fanficWhere stories live. Discover now