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I didn't believe it when I first heard the news that war broke out in our archipelago.

I did when I heard war for the first time outside my window coming from the lost city itself.

Across the Adrian sound was the city of Atlantis; a symbol of progress and the pursuit of perpetual peace; now apparently broken after just less than two millenniums. On any normal day, music would resonate from across the sound into our own city of Fiegmonton; giving our tight-knit community the constant reminder of the prosperity that the years have and would continue to give us. The city itself was beautiful. The Delian mountains glistened behind the cityscape, boasting a 400 ft tall wooden statue of Poseidon; our nation's founder of old. In front of the snow capped mountains, the modern silver skyscrapers of downtown would shimmer in the sunlight, and their insides would be illuminated with all kinds of hues by nightfall, blending in to the stars in the sky behind it. All this would reflect in the calm waters of the sound, and it was truly a sight to behold.

No such niceties were apparent right now, for the peace was bygone. Now smoke engulfed the skyline, while Wyverns, Phoenixes, and all kinds of flying creature forms filled the skies. Battle cries, roars, and screams of all kinds intermingled to add to the scene in front of me. I was too young to understand it, because I was only an adolescent.

My name is Gemini. As I have said, I live in Feigmonton; itself a superb place to live. I have never really left this place (no Atlantian ever has), but I wasn't exactly complaining before now. We are always told that we are lucky to even be here. The world beyond the veil as we are told, is ravaged by war, greed, and corruption; all of which we Atlantians hate.

But now it was here in Atlantis itself, and it chilled me to the bone how close it was.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Greetings dear reader!

JUNE 10th: So I made this first part back in March and it's come a long way so far. But I wanted to give readers an opportunity to express their thoughts about this before reading on.

For anyone new to my story and is just starting, what do ya'll think about this sequence of events?

What do you think happens next?

Why do you think I started my story like this?

What general questions do you have about it? (Maybe I can't answer them all).

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