Intermission: Insight

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"Yes Mum?"

"I've been wondering, do you get enough sleep?"

"Yes, more than 8 hours, why?"

"Let me rephrase, do you sleep well?"

Too many questions. As worrisome as my mother is, she usually has all the answers. In fact I knew that she did.
Did she just read my mind? If so, did she also know about my nightmares and what they were about?

"I was hoping you could tell me."

I shrugged in annoyance, "Well Mum, since you're so invasive with what I think about, why don't you just look inside my head when I dream, and tell me what you see?"

As I said this I turned around to meet Mum's angry gaze with my own..........except she wasn't angry, but, she looked a little downcast, ashamed even. Her form even flinched a little bit as I turned, head tilted, purple eyes locked with the checkered tiles on the kitchen floor, and eyebrows slanted up. "Ugh," I slumped down. "We talked about this mother, you promised not to read me as long as I don't lie. Did I lie mother? Or do you know already?"

I didn't raise my voice again, but it still surprised me how angry I was. I realized I wasn't angry about mother using her psychic abilities. I just didn't want to discuss my dreams with someone such as her.

She sighed, "Gemini, I'm sorry but, sometimes it's as simple as hearing by accident. But in the realm of the mind, I have no ears to cover, and I simply hear it. Here's what I see however," she continued in a subtly shaky voice.

"You've been acting...reclusive lately. You aren't acknowledging your father when he visits after weeks of working just to keep this family on its feet. You are set to leave for the Endeavor in as little as 5 months. I would have expected you to start adoring what little time you may have left with him months ago."

Trying to maintain my calmness, I responded, "What does he have to do with my problems if he isn't around anymore?" Rhythmic footfalls approached from behind me before Mum made her way 'round the table, pulled up a chair, and sat across from me; legs crossed, chin resting on hands, and mirroring my own posture. She didn't say anything, but waited for me to say something. After what felt like a minute or two, she spoke first.

"I'm worried about you Gem, you've changed. Marcus and I brought you into this world as one of the happiest and most lively creatures the lord could conjure. We've given you belonging, our table, and our undivided love for almost 16 years. Nothing's changed about how we treat you, yet ever since you've been having these dreadful night terrors, you've almost never smiled or barely looked me in the eye.......even now."

I could almost feel the soreness of her throat as she said this, and our eyes finally locked. She abruptly wiped the tears that apparently were flowing down her cheeks from her eyes as she suddenly gave out a forced giggle that signified another scolding. Nostrils flared, she said, "Young man, I will not send you out into the world with your attitude, and without MY answers. I know you wish your father didn't leave Feigmonton, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you! And I won't tolerate you missing another visit by him, because he loves you! He wants to see you! Don't you realize he isn't going to be around forever?"

I cringed at the sudden outburst. It wasn't like her to be this stern with me, but I had way less cause to be mad with her, and I knew it too. I realized how tired I was of isolating myself from this family, and how far I was falling from it.

We both started crying. Pathetic. I couldn't help myself. I covered my face in embarrassment while mum's expression gradually softened, the fire leaving her eyes as quickly as the tears. "Can you please just tell me what's wrong?" She asked with a tremble in her voice.

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