Fell in the rabbit hole but instead of wonderland i get twilight

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I sighed as I finished the last page of breaking dawn for the like twentieth time. I read all the twilight books. I mean I wasn't a twi-hard, get Edward tatted on my arm ,stalk Robert Patterson , spray glitter on my body twilight rocks freak. I just like the books I wasn't in love with them. But trust everything I said before it does happen like my best friend Janice she has done all of it. Well almost I stopped her from tatting Edward names on her body. Just barely.


I ran into the Ernie's tattoo shop as Janice was sitting in the chair bouncing excitedly.

"Wh-Wh-What the hell Janice," I shouted. I was stuttering because I was so mad I couldn't even talk but I forced my words out.

"Oh hey girl. I was going to call you but you know my phone was at home an-," she tried to explain. She was biting nervously at her nails. She looked up at me with terror. I could kill her right now and she knew it.

"Janice you know good and well as I do that you would never EVER leave your phone at home. And this is the library!? Huh? Love what they done with the place!," I screamed at her and I watched her shrivel up and hunch her shoulders. I instantly felt like the biggest dick in the world. I felt like the situation when he called snookie fat.

" I knew you get mad so I didn't want to tell you," she weakly whispered looking at her hands.

" Damn Skippy I'd get mad! I mean come on! A tattoo itself is fine but getting one of a guy in a book! Who's going to be nothing more than a footnote in a couple of years! Stupid Janice just stupid!," I yelled no barked at her. God! All this yelling was giving me a headache.

" I'm sorry," she whispered her eyes looked watery and I was sorry I yelled at her. My face softened and I hugged her.

*End Of Flashback*

I was off to see my Aunt Kaylynn in a couple of hours. She had a great personality and was the funniest most upbeat person ever. She was twenty-seven and her motto to life was And I quote : "When I die and my life flashes before my eyes I want to be able to eat popcorn and laugh at all the memories and great times I had" I love her so much I begged my parents to let me to stay my school semester with her. After a month of begging they gave in but I think it was the serenading my mom at work that really sealed the deal.

I had already packed for the entire semester meaning I had my all of my clothes, my ipod, all the twilight books(don't judge I still like them) my cell phone, jo-jo my stuffed monkey, and my laptop. I was good to go. My parent had to work right now so I already said my goodbyes yesterday. My stomach growled a little and I grabbed my suitcases and wheeled them to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and was about to grab a green apple when I saw a unopened snicker bar snicker bar.

"Chocolate over fruit any day," I muttered under my breath. I put the chocolate in my hoodie pocket and closed the fridge I saw a note addressed to me.

Dear honey,

I saw earlier today that there was construction on the rode and I thought I would be safer to take a shortcut though the wood. And the wood trees are super thin so you should be able to quickly get through.( take my pepper spray just in case)

Tell your aunt I said hey and I love you baby girl. I cant believe you wont be there when I get home. Call back whenever you can


P.S. I know you took my snicker so put it back. Although I know your addiction to chocolate wont let you do that.

I chuckled a bit. My mom knew my so well. She probably put it there to see if ill take it. I walked away from the fridge and grabbed my suitcases.

Fell in the rabbit hole but instead of wonderland i get twilightWhere stories live. Discover now