humans :)

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Everyone eyes went to my cellphonee. Talk about pressure! i took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"YO jershey shore finna come on! ! thought we could watch it together on the phone! like old times,"  janice yelled in my ear. Ugh ima need a advil!

"Wow you will never in a million years guess where i am. this is CRAZY," I yelled at her.! I could feel everyones eyes on me. (Awkard huh) I put the phone down.

"YO if you keep piercing me with your eyes ill get skin cancer! Knock if off! Go kill a deer or something! ," I screamed at them . Then they flinced and ran off with vampire speed. i put the phone back to my ear to continue talking to janice.

"What was that all about? ," janice asked, when i got back on the phone with her.

"Child i cant even begin to explain. I'll explain later though. I gotta go  yell at  a couple vamps! Bye," i ended the call and walked to the cabinet. I looked through the cabinet for some popcorn.

" I miss carbs," Rosalie said, all of a suden next to me. i jumped 10 feet in the air.

"you gotta learn to stop doing that. Didnt you mother teach you better than too sneak up on people?!," i panted putting my hand where my heart is.

" i didnt eat much when i was human but now i wish i had the oppertunity," rosalie moped all sad looking.

"Aww it breaks my heart seeing you like this" i said putting my hand on her way to pale shoulder "Tell you what lets act like humans tonight" then rosalie transformed. Her face was so pale and she had veins in her necks and lips were pink with BLOOD. She some how transforemed into a human.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" we both screamed.

"You turned me human! oh my god !" she screamed and hug me tight.

"What the....," i mummered. how in the HELL did I do this. I looked at my hand in awe. Rosalie ran in human motion to the fridge, screaming her little blonde head off. she opened it and grabbed a snickers bar and devored it.

"I can eat HUMAN food and not throw up! i love you!! god i love you! ," she was laughing and crying while i stared bug eyed at her the whole time! wtf just happened? Then she ran up to me and held me by the shoulders.

"Teach me to be human! Please!,' she begged with a cute poutyface.i snapped out of it and grabbed her so we could watch jershey shore. Hey it my favorite show.

Hours later.

"When your hungry you grab...," i quizzed rosalie. We sat indian style on the floor and i been quizing her. she not the bitch i thought she'd be. She sweet and nice and funny!

"A food that can be fried! except liver! liver for dorks," she smiled. She smiles alot now.

"Hell yea now lets dance. ndd i want you to know im half black my dancing is crunk!," i laughed putting on a song from my cell

i started shaking and vibrating m booty. i felt my self fll into it. Ididnt even notice when some one grabbed my hipsand pulled my against them and i started to roll them up. i could feel them go hard against me as the grinded against me. i grabbed some of the ahcohol me and rosalie put out earlier and started to drink while still dance. this made me get even wilder. Rosalie got up and started to copy me and we both just did our thing for a whilei stop to take my breathe when i relize this dude wouldnt let go of my hips. SO i did what any normal person would do. i bit his hand. Hard!

"Hey babes what was that for," he said. i turned around to come face toface with a unbeliveably sexy dark-skinned guy. mmmm

upload laterr! sleepy!.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2011 ⏰

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