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Ever since the first time that I laid my eyes on her, I already have this feelings for her.

I know it's kind of cliche because it's already common to those people nowadays, loving someone at first sight.

But let me tell you this, I'm different from them. I've never mistaken crush or infatuation as love.

Every time I see her, she always catch my attention. She's so mesmerizing to the point that all I wanted to do is hug her so tight.

I remember that day, that first time when our gazes met.

She's standing under the tree with her friends, waiting for the guard to open the gate and let them out.

She's laughing with them as her friend cracked a joke. She looks so happy, her eyes is shining with happiness.

As I watch her from afar, I notice her forehead creasing, she suddenly look at my way and she caught me staring at her.

Her forehead is still creasing as she look at me, her eyes are like studying me.

I don't know why but, I can't take my eyes off of her. She's just so captivating.

I see her shook her head and she again give back her attention to her friends.

Since that day, my feelings for her became deeper.

Every time that she's around, I always look at her way and she always caught me staring at her. But every time our gazes met, it doesn't last for a long time because she's always looking away.

A month before our vacation started, I see her with her friends at the same spot where she first caught me staring at her, they're watching as the cheering squad practices. I was about to go to our room but, as always, she again caught my attention. As I stare at her, her forehead creased and she looked at my way. Our gazes met and I already don't know what happened. I feel like I was rooted on that spot. The time seems to stop, we stare at each for I don't know how long. Until she again look away.

Days had passed until one day, that day in which I saw that scenario I'm afraid of seeing.

I'm outside our room and with my friends. We're talking about something but my mind went blank as I see the scene in front of me.

I saw her laughing with this guy. The guy's arm is around her shoulder, and he's looking at her with admiration.

Don't judge me for saying that, I know that kind of look because I'm a guy also.

I felt a pang of jealousy as I stare at her, as I see her with that guy.

Is that her boyfriend?

Why didn't I know about this?

Okay, I know I'm over reacting, I hadn't talk to her even just for once, but the heck, I just can't help myself.

I like her for almost three years. Heck, I don't even know if I just like her or it's already more than that. Because this pain that I'm feeling right now in my chest stings like millions of needles are being pierced into my heart.

I thought that there would already have a chance between us, she seems to notice me for the past months. But I thought so wrong. Maybe she's just looking at me because she sense that someone is staring at her or maybe now she's thinking that I'm a bit weird because she always caught me staring at her.

Maybe it will stay just like this.

Me, having an unrequited love for her.

She, having someone else beside her.

Me, hurting so much.

She, being happy beside that someone she love.

Me... Loving her from afar.

Loving Her Fom Afar ✔Where stories live. Discover now