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My alarm goes off. I always hope for a better every time i wake up to go to school, but seems like my hopes and wishes are never heared by anyone. I always get bullied for not being able to shift when i turned 16. My dad was disappointed in me. i never want him to be disappointed in me, I want to make him proud.  He gave me sad smile and assured me that maybe I am a late shifter.Maybe.
But i could never forget the look of disapointment in his eyes.
I wish my mom was here. you all might be wondering where my mom is. She was my father's lover. They loved each other so they got married. a year later i was born, but unfortunately my mom found her mate. And she left me with my dad. Don't get me wrong! I have nothing against mom and her mate, but she atleast could've wrote or called and asked me if I was okay.
And some times i really miss her. eventhough i never knew her.


*20  minutes later*

I was ready to go to school. i was wearing a tight  jeans,a white tanktop and a blue shirt with my favourite heels. I walked into the kitchen and got an apple from the bowl, and made my way to my car. i can't wait to get over with High School and be free. When i reached my white Jaguar CX16 i got to the drivers seat and fastened my seat belt and left the pack house.

When i got to the parking lot i parked the car where i usually park and got out of the car locking it. As i was passing I could feel the pack sluts glare burning holes into my skull. I walk to my locker as fast I can before she could insult me.
On my way to the locker i bumped into a wall.

"Who put a wall over here" I said and looked up to only come face to face with Mason Bryan. The hottie of our hight school, the most arrogant person ever and a player.
"I.I'm sor- " He cuts me off "Watch where your going B*tch." and walks away with a scowl on his face.
Ouch. It shouldn't bother me me. But it still hurts. I've never done anything to him! Mason has blue eyes with blonde hair and is 6'3". I've had a crush on him since 7th grade and wished he was my mate. And it hurts to know that he's with a different girl everyday. He used to be my best friend back in 7th grade.
Apparently not anymore. Everyone stop talking to me when I didn't shift when I turned 16, even mason.

Sometimes I feel I'm gonna just explode with anger. But i control myself because, I'm never the one to start a fight or cause any drama. I just don't like hurting people pysically and emotionally.
Just I reach my locker i hear someone call out my name. I turn around and smile at the two important person in my life. Kelly Anderson and Jake Richard my best friends.

"Hey Isla ! How have you been sis. ?" Kelly said hugging me. Kelly has blue eyes and a light skin color she is 5'9", her body is like a Victoria's Secret model's.

"I'm fine" I hugged her back with a smile.
"Hey Jake" I hug him next. Jake is 5'9" with dark brown hair and dark brown hair. When ever he smiles you can see the dimples which make, everygirls swoon over.

"Hey" He smiles and hugs me back.
This is whhat i look forward to everyday I wake up. My two bestfriends. They understand me and know me too much that  they know when i am lying, sad, happy and angry. They're always there for me. And Yes, they know what I am. Kelly is our Beta Greg's mate and my best friend. And Jake? Well lets just say, that someone got way too possesive/jealous for Kelly hanging out with Jake, and shifted infront of him.
When he saw Greg change and when we explained every thing he said only one word "AWESOME". I am so happy that my bestfriends know about were-wolves because it used to kill me to not tell them everything.

I was snapped back out of my thought by Jake's voice "Isla! You okay? "

I look up and see the concern and worry in Jake's expression. I smile and him and say "Yeah i am fine. Just spaced out"

"Yeah you seemed to do that alot nowadays" Kelly says frowning.

We went around the place help the teachers prepare the school for the Prom tomorrow night. It's my last day in High School!! I stayed as far aways from Mason I could. We helped them with the decorations, drinks, lights, musics etc. by the time we were done all i wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. Apparently Kelly had other ideas. We went ou to buy our Prom dresses. Kelly is goingwith greg. Well, i am going with Jake. Well, since we both didnt want a date so we just paired up. Well, more like no one wanted go with me to the prom, so he's going with me.

He turned down everygirl who asked him to the prom, and the girls left throwing glares my way.

 After HOURS of shopping, I finally went home, put the shopping bags in the closet , and took a shower. When I got outta the shower , I put on an over-sized shirt, and plopped onto my bed. Tomorrows gonna be a long day  was her last thought when she let herself to drift of to a very strange but a wonderful land of beauty and peace.

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