loving you was

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Demi released another loud laugh as Drake told her the story of why he was fighting with Nicki. She thought their friendship was the funniest thing. Drake was always finding reasons to get mad at her or not be friends with her, they would argue, then they would make up because neither of them wanted the other to write songs about them. She didn't know why she found it so funny, but she did. Drake was supposed to be meeting with Trey about something, but Trey hadn't made it home yet so Demi had just invited him in. Even though she wasn't officially moved in with Trey, she did spend most weekends there because she was working on splitting her time between Trey and Lani equally.

"I don't know why this is so funny to you," Drake chuckled as Demi tried to contain her laughter.

"Because you guys are literally like an old married couple for no reason," Demi continued to laugh as she set her drink down.

"Where's your mans at?" Drake asked as he looked at the time on his Rolex.

"I don't know. I texted him but-" before Demi could finish her sentence the front door opened and Trey walked in. He had glasses on and his snapback was low on his head but as soon as he saw Demi sitting in his living room with Drake wearing nothing but booty shorts and a tank top, he snatched his glasses off.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?"

"You told me we could just meet at your house, remember? If it's a problem, I can go," Drake reminded him but Trey shook his head.

"No it's all good. I'm just gonna talk to Demi upstairs for a little bit," Trey said as Demi furrowed her eyebrows. "You can go chill downstairs, Drake."

"Talk about what?"

"Why don't you take your ass upstairs to find out?" Trey snarkily replied as Demi cocked her eyebrow but still stood up anyway.

"I'll see you later, Drake," she offered him a wave before heading towards the stairs with Trey following her. As soon as they were out of Drake's view, Trey grabbed her arm and practically dragged her up the stairs.

"Trey, what the hell?" Demi yelled, trying to get out of his grasp but he basically threw her into his room and closed the door behind him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH DRAKE ALONE?" Trey bellowed as Demi stood up and brushed herself off.

"We were waiting for you, he came over and said you were supposed to meet and you weren't answering your phone," Demi rambled as she saw the look in Trey's eyes, the same look he had when he threw her against the railing. She wasn't expecting to ever see that look again. Not after how well things had been going.

"So you just invite another man into my house and prance around half naked like a fucking slut?" Trey accused as he advanced towards him, causing Demi's back to hit the wall as she tried to move away, but he had her cornered.

"Don't call me that," she whimpered as Trey harshly chuckled.

"What? A slut. That's what you are. You make me so fucking mad, Demi. You do the dumbest shit!" Trey seethed as Demi's eye caught the mark on his neck, right above his throbbing vein, a mark that she hadn't given to him.

"Why do you have a hickey on your neck?" She quietly asked, but that was enough to set him off because next thing she knew, his first connected with the side of her face, causing her to hit the ground. Demi immediately burst into tears and curled herself into the fetal position, trying to protect her face and her body just in case he tried to touch her again.

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