chapter 12

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I woke but kept my eyes closed. I heard a shudder go off.
"Awe they look so cute together."I think Hanna said but I'm still to tired to care. Wait she said they. I open my eyes and see everyone standing there but quickly walk away when they notice I'm awake. I try to get up but I feel a weight around my waist. I shake Blake but he just groans and tightens hid grip.
" Blake wake up I gotta go to the bathroom. "
"A few more days Ali. Please. " He mumbles.
"Well I guess if you want me to pee on you. " I inquired.
He let go albeit slowly. I got up went to do my business, grabbed my glasses and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen grabbed some O. J and walked into the living room to see everyone laying around.
"What time is it? " I ask.
"4: 30." Sam says.
"Ok I'm going back to bed. " I say. I walk back upstairs and lay back down next to Blake and fall asleep.


I'm awaken by the feeling of something pulling me against it. I open my eyes to see Blake. I reach over to check the time on my phone and it says 6: 30. I shake Blake awake.
"Blake. Boo wake up its time for school. " I say
"Not yet. " He says damn I hate waking him up.
"Ok you asked for it. " I said
"Asked for what? "
"THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE." I scream. He jolts up looking around. I start dying laughing.
"You should see you face. "I said in between laughs.
" Shut up Ali. "He grumbles. I'm still laughing when I walk into the bathroom.


I get out 20 minutes later and out on my outfit that I grab out of the closet.

I decide to wear my glasses as I head downstairs to see everyone up and ready except for Natalia

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I decide to wear my glasses as I head downstairs to see everyone up and ready except for Natalia. So I grab a granola bar and head out with Tatiana. I look at her outfit when we stop at a stoplight. She is wearing a white school sweater and some black skinny jeans and black sandals.
"Like the outfit. But the sweater is gunna get you some looks because you are a rival. " I say.
"Thanks and I don't care about the look. " She says. I nod. "Good"
We park in the parking lot of my school and get out to wait for the others. Like I said she is getting stares. Matt walks up to us.
"Who is she and why is she wearing a NHS sweater? "
"Leave her alone Matt she is my cousin and is coming here for a couple of day until we get her home situation under control. " I say.
"Well she don't belong her. She belongs with the rest of those bitches from NHS. " He says.
"vete a la mierda Matt. " I say as we walk to the front office. (fuck off Matt.) We walk into the front office and I ask the lady for a pass for the next few days and when she gives me one we head out to my locker to see everyone else there.
"What wrong?  you both look pissed." Sam said as he came and put his arm around Tatiana but she shrugged him off.
"Matt came and said some shit about how she doesn't belong here. " I said. I feel like punching him. He is such a dick.
"ALEJANDRA!!! " Blake snapped his fingers in my face. I slapped his hands away.
"What? " I sighed. I am really tired.
"Are you tired boo? " Alyssa asked. I nodded.
"Yea.i don't know why the hell you all got up at 4 in the morning and thought it was a good idea to take pictures of me and Blake. But that shit woke me up and I'm still tired. Not only that but I can't go home and sleep I have to go down to the police station. " I said.
"Just sleep at lunch. " Tatiana says.
"I would but Taliya is back also and she probably wants to start drama again. "
"Anyways we should get to class." Brandon said. We all agreed and said our byes.

By the time lunch rolls around I am beyond done with the day. I was walking with Tatiana to the cafeteria when I see a fight going down.
"Who is it? " I ask some random kid
"Jessica and Taliya. " He answers.  "FUCK thanks. " I say as me and Tatiana run through the crowd. I see them and I run to them trying to pull them apart. I finally break Jessica off when Taliya stands up and sees me.
"Jess stop she isn't worth you first suspension. " I said.
"Oh but I was for you huh. " Taliya sneers. I turn around and walk till we are toe to toe.
"Yes you were bitch. But I wasn't waisting my time because you said you wanted to fight me. I just beat you ass. " I growled. She pushed me back. Then we started a fight again. Then I stopped and walked away. I am honestly tired of fighting with her. It feels like every time I see her we end up fighting. Me and my friends go and sit at our lunch table. I sit down and lay my head on the table. I feel someone put their hand on my back. I look up to see its Blake.
"Are you ok? " He asks in my ear as he starts to rub my back. I turn my head so my cheek is resting on the table and shake my head.
"I'm tired I want to sleep. " I said.
"Do you want to skip the rest of the day? " He asks. I nod. We stand to leave but I forgot that Tatiana came with me.
"Umm can you guys give Tatiana a ride to my house we are leaving because I need sleep. " I said. They nodded. Me and Blake walked to my locker to get my bag then headed home. When we got home I headed upstairs and changed the jumped in bed. When my head hit the pillow I was out.

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