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It was awkward between Anne and Phillip. They were still best friends and still really liked each other but they did try to avoid each other but the circus family tried to get them together. Especially P.T, W.D and Lettie.

Although W.D wasn't fond of Phillip he knew deep inside he loved Anne and could give her a chance of a good life. A life he couldn't offer. A life she deserved.

There plan this time was while P.T was on tour have Phillip run the circus. Therefore he would have to stay behind at the end of the show and help Anne and W.D with their trapeze.

So after everyone said their byes to P.T, they got ready for Phillip's first show as ring master.

They ran onto the stage and sung their hearts out. Anne swung down doing a triple flip before sticking the landing perfectly. Everyone behind her posed and Phillip ran into the middle of the ring grabbed her hand hesitantly.

Anne went with it as she knew he was temporarily ring master and it was his job. She did like this as she did love Phillip, but her feelings suddenly changed when she heard the voice she knew too well.

Phillip sensed this as everyone left he felt Anne shiver. He turned to see tears streaming down her cheeks. W.D ran up to Anne he also knew the voice he whispered something in her ear. She faked a smile but everyone saw through her everyone but W.D.

Phillip asked, "Anne! What's wrong?" he had a worried sound in his voice and a scared look on his face.

"She's fine!" A man shouted from behind them. By this time W.D had gone home as he was going out with his friend tonight. Anne realised who this was so hid behind Phillip.

"Oh, babe," the man started, "I can see your there."

"Leave, Trevor!" Anne shouted trying to hide her fear, "And I'm not your babe!"

"Come on baby, you don't really want me to leave," Trevor said flirtatiously.

Anne whispered something in Phillip ear and winked at him.

"Yes I do!" Anne replied growing more confidence.

"Why? If it's cause of your boyfriend then I can make you forget about him," Trevor said walking closer to her and Phillip, making Anne quickly quiver back.

Taking a dead breath Anne grabbed Phillip's hand putting on her actress side, "Sorry but my boyfriend doesn't like to share."

"No I don't!" Phillip shouted, making Trevor grin.

"Pretty isn't she that's why we force her to be with us. What do you use if she disobeys you?" Trevor asked walking up to Phillip who looked at him white mixed emotions at the shocking news he had just heard. Angry, shocked, sorrow and upset.

"First of I don't force girls to be with me as they are not objects! Secondly I certainly don't use anything to punish girls nor boys if they disobey me! Or at least boys who don't deserve it unlike you!" Phillip shouted and Anne could tell he meant every part of it.

She knew he would be an amazing boyfriend, she so wished she could be with him.

A shiver of fear ran through Trevor though he tried to hide it and stay confident. "Well... umm I would love to fight you but umm... I need to get to work so..." he shivered before running out of the circus door.

Anne let out a sigh of relief before bursting out laughing with Phillip and the rest of the circus family (not including W.D as he wasn't there but out with his friend).

"Well... I can't wait to tell W.D about this," Anne said sarcastically, boy would he be mad!

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