The Start of Something Beautiful (Obi x Reader)

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A/N: Hello! Thanks for waiting for the second part of this book! School and sports are exhausting. If you like this story or have any advice, please comment. Once again, I do not own Snow White with the Red Hair or any of its characters. Enjoy!

You admired his face in the early morning light, tracing your fingers softly along his jaw so as to not wake him up. Laying back down, you pressed your ear to his chest, listening to your lover's heartbeat and rhythmic breathing. Such moments as these were as good as gold to you and you wouldn't trade them for the world. Smiling peacefully, you closed your eyes and thought of how something so beautiful had come to be.

You had first met Obi on the streets of Wistal.

Despite the low percentage of poverty in Clarines, you and your family suffered destitution, barely able to make ends meet after your father abandoned you. To help your mother provide for your many brothers and sisters, you became a pick-pocket. You never stole much, your victims easily charmed, wealthy men with too many possessions on their person to keep track of. Too enamored with your displays of sweet, easily-impressed innocence, they never noticed a few coins missing from the collections in their pockets or a ring gone from the multitude on their fingers. 

Obi was the exception to your rich men only rule.

He didn't look wealthy or seem to have much on him, but you were desperate. One of your younger sisters was sick and there wasn't enough money to pay for medicine, let alone a doctor. If you hadn't been alarmed by this alone, then you were when your mother, who usually disapproved of your pick-pocketing, had taken you aside and asked you to steal more money for medicine, tears streaming down her distraught face. 

It was with that image in mind that your hungry, determined gaze identified your next target.

He had been walking down the street with a few small packages in hand. Judging from the logos on the sides, they were from the apothecary down the street. You had no medicinal knowledge other than how to patch up minor bumps and scrapes, so these held no value to you. You could, however, use them to your advantage. 

Beginning to run down the street towards him, you put on a show of appearing to be in a hurry, your face scrunched in practiced distress and not appearing to pay much attention to your surroundings. Dodging around the pedestrians in front of your target, you crashed into him with a yelp of surprise. As you fell backwards, packages flying int the air, your fingers brushed his pockets, as if you were trying to grasp something to halt your descent. 

To your shock, a strong arm around your waist kept you from dropping to the ground as you had planned. Looking up, your eyes met the most unique pair you had ever seen. Cat-like gold eyes stared down at you and, for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.

"Hey, you okay?"

"What?...Oh! Yes! I'm so sorry for running into you!" Falling back into your act, you mentally kicked yourself for letting this stranger distract you from your goal so easily.

"No problem. That was a sneaky way to try to pick-pocket me." 


Your blood turned to ice, your body freezing in horror. For a moment, all you could do was stare at this stranger, your mouth hanging open. 

This stranger had seen right through your trick, had somehow predicted what you were after...and wasn't calling any guards?

You had been unresponsive for too long, playing dumb wouldn't work now. Instead, you grabbed his wrist tightly and practically threw him into an alley, away from the curious looks of passing pedestrians and leaving his packages scattered in the street. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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