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He tried a lot to catch sleep but couldn't.. As the guilt of, first, leaving her all by herself on that deserted, lone road and then making her cry, ate him up... and didn't let him sleep..

Sighing he got down from bed and decided to have a check on her...
As soon as he opened his room's door and was stepping out he happened to look at the side down the door ..

There she was cuddling herself next to his door... leaning on wall behind... wrapping blanket round her...

The night had again made her scared and she contemplated on her options to what to do and what not ... she didn't want to make him angry again on her.. so she thought to sleep on his door step.. by that she would be safe outside his room door and if anything happened then she would just knock the door ... Else she would sleep there only ... Thinking so wisely, she sat on his door step and soon dozed off due to, too much crying ...

Maan stood there and thought for a while ... Looked at her tear stricken face... He sighed and took her up in his arms ...making sure, not to wake her up... He placed her on his bed and covered her with her blanket...switching off the lights he settled on his couch and dozed off...


Geet opened her eyes and found herself on bed ... Instantly she sat up and looked for Maan... He wasn't there on couch..But she knew she was in his room...

Geet(ST):- How come, am in his room??? On his bed ???and where is he ??? thinking so many quiz she got up and looked for him... She didn't have to, as he was coming out of the rest room.. All dressed up.. both looked at each other.. and then breaking the eye contact, she started to go from there... when Maan's voice stopped her ...

Maan:- Geet... (ST, shall I say sorry??? But he couldn't, His big fat ego came in between at the right time.. and so told her the important thing) Ermm... we are going back to Delhi in the night ...9pm's flight ...I have done my packing... You too do that .. (She started to go but he again stopped her) wait... Ahh !!! Am going to the conference ... I will only be able to come back after 8pm or so.. Is ... Is that fine with you??? (ST, what am saying ????)

But Geet didn't respond and went from there... Maan was unaffected though, he felt angry at his insult but keeping her condition in mind he too left from the room...

The day was very hectic for him..He could have thought to go India by morning's flight but didn't want to stay a day more so decided to leave Paris as soon as his work is finished...

Geet on the other hand was gloomy... she wanted to explore the city more... but his sudden decision made her upset... she thought to roam around till he comes back after she was done with packing...

But she did one mistake... She left her cell-phone in the room...for, she thought she will just roam around the hotel... Least she knew, that she was going to be carried away with the surroundings and went far away, from hotel...

Maan returned all exhausted at round 7pm.. He excused himself from attending the party and went earlier from the conference... He entered the suite and found it all dark... Going here and there he came to know that Geet wasn't in the suite...He called on her cell-phone...but it rang in the room...

Maan(ST):- where did she go??? Leaving her phone here??? I hope we won't get late and miss our flight... He called reception...

Maan:- Ahh !! Did you see my wife going out ???

Receptionist(thought and then replied):- yes sir, ma'am went out round 5 pm...

Maan:- where did she go??? He got tensed and worried... for her safety...

Receptionist :- I don't know sir... Even I offered her for a car.. but she didn't reply and went from here...

Maan(ST):- Damn this girl... she is angry on me .. I know ... I understand ... but that doesn't mean she will go round without telling me ...without her cell...

Geet, on the other hand, later realized that she came far away and had lost her way to hotel-as she was new to there... she went back and again took a wrong turn... That scared Geet lot ... She thought to call from some passer's phone ... But couldn't recall Maan's no...she cried at her condition...she tried taking lift... but none helped her to that hotel's route ..as it was night time and ppl were more interested to go home rather than taking u-turns ...

Somehow she managed to get the lift but with lots of pleading and reached hotel lobby... Her gaze fell on wall clock there it showed 11 pm...She rushed to her room and banged open the door... Her eyes met with a face... covered in his hands...

Maan heard the banging of door and looked up to look at her... He was angry...

Maan:- welcome back... He said rudely .. to which Geet looked down..

Geet:- wo.. sorry.. I have lost...

Maan(stood up and shouted on her):- Enough !! Am not interested in your excuses ... and lies... I hate them both... Didn't I tell you earlier??? And yeah !! Must say, what a plan to punish me ..

He advanced towards her and she stepped back.. looking at his anger she knew he can do anything ...He came too close to her and jerking her up in his arms .. shook her...taking her with himself..

Maan:- I knew .. you were upset.. but that was your fault... you triggered my anger...

Geet(shivered at his anger and started to cry,tried to move away from him):- Am sorry.. wo.. I...

she couldn't finish her say as she tripped and fell down on bed taking Maan with her...Geet gasped at their closeness ...but Maan was mad In anger...

Maan:- And now coz of you, we have missed the flight ...

He was breathing on her face and Geet was getting more scared ... causing more tears flow from her eyes..

Geet(closed her eyes and told him the truth):- I lost my way back..(Maan was stilled hearing that.. Geet opened her eyes and contd looking at him) I had thought to look around the hotel but then I lost my way and none helped me ...finally a man helped me and dropped me here..(she paused) sorry...

Maan realized her situation and felt bad for her sufferings... He sighed and wiped her tears off from her eyes... Geet still was looking at him in fear ...

Geet:- Let me go... please...

He sensed her discomfort and raised himself from her... Looked back at her... she was breathing hard, closing her eyes ... Trying to raise from bed ...He instantly looked away...

Maan:- But what was the need to go out ...

There was a silence from her side for couple of mints... and then hesitantly, she spoke...

Geet:- you said that... we will be off from here, tonight so I wanted to see round ... (Maan closed his eyes and sighed) but trust me I didn't mean to miss the flight ...Its just ...

Maan(cut her):- Its ok... you alright ??? (glancing her way he asked... to which she nodded) I will book the next flight. He told her and went out the suite... Geet sighed and left to her room...

At night, Maan ordered wine for himself and drank in his room... For some unknown reasons, he wasn't liking the way he showed concern for his so-called wife... He recalled their early convo, where he asked was she alright or the way he took care of her and made her have food ...

For him, every women was like his mother and Ex-wife...The gold diggers..The wine took over his senses and he thought abt his sudden changed behavior and attitude for Geet...

Maan(ST):- No, she too is same... women are bound to play games and betray.. He came up with that decision once again abt women and took another glass...

Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..

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Much Love Rose

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