we were both created in chaos,
we were both born to destroy.
you were like death,
and i was like war.
and where we collided
darling, i loved you.
Dezastrul perfect
Romance"- Arăţi de parc-ai venit din iad. - Ar trebui să stai departe de mine, ştii? Încă mă aflu acolo. Un zâmbet frumos i s-a aşternut pe al său chipeş chip. Rosalba şi-a închis înapoi ochii ca să nu-l mai vadă, cu dorinţa de a potoli o anumită emoţie...
we were both created in chaos,
we were both born to destroy.
you were like death,
and i was like war.
and where we collided
darling, i loved you.