If I could give you the world

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I've never been bad at sports, but then I've never been good at sports. I guess I fall somewhere in between. I played basket ball when I was ten but then everyone started to grow but me. So that being said why am I running my third lap and huffing harder than my uncle Kyle when he sees cake? Its because of her.

Actually its because the track coach's inability to listen and my pacifist behavior with adults. But also because of her.

My name is Hannah, I live in a small town in the west coast near the tip top of California most people actually think its part of Oregon and even living here I strongly believe it. The towns call Kelvin, no its not a joke. I swear when my mother told us we were moving my sister and I actually thought we were go into die from laughter. Anyway I take pictures for the school paper and year book's and when the YB editor said we need some shots of the track team my hand was the first in the air. I'll admit that liking a girl I'd never spoken to is kind of creepy. What's worse is I don't even know her name. All I know about the beautiful brunette is that she runs track. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd I've got glasses I prefer not to wear, I'm in love with Doctor Who and the TV show Bones and I'd rather befriend rocks before anyone in this school. That's not saying my friends are rocks, I have actually managed to find a few good apples in this high school hell, plus I'm very social and even the people I don't get along with, I get along with.

Just as my lungs are about to explode my feet fumble and I find myself face down on the rocky asphalt. But to my surprise I'm not alone. "Shit I'm sorry," the girls voice mutters with out her moving. Its her. She's sprawled out on the ground, she's wearing a red and white baseball T-shirt and her long long legs are exposed due to her short, so very short red shorts. "I'm sorry" she's speaks again still not moving.

"I think it was my fault." I manage to say as I stand up. I've seen her so many times from a distance but I've never been close enough to hear her voice. It sends shivers through me and and I realize how increasingly creepy I keep getting as I let me eyes wounded up her legs. 'Stop it Hannah' I say to myself shaking my head.

"Its not." For the first time she begins to move. Her limbs are long and flail about as she moves but something about her very sloppy struggle to stand is graceful and I feel my heart beat almost skip as she flips her long hair back and out of her face. She feels around in her pockets for a second before pulling out a blue hair tie and gathering up brown locks into a high pony. "This is sort of normal for me." She says casually."can't get to close to other runners." She doesn't actually seem to be speaking to me at all. She seems to just be speaking to anyone around.

"Sorry." I say but this time while I speak I am trying not to look at my feet, the key word trying. "I um- I"

"I trip sometimes." This time she is speaking to me and her voice seems too warm. She smiles an I feel my cheeks growing hot. "I didn't mean to pull you down with me."

"No i-"

"I'm Grace." She smiles extending her hand for me to shake. I can't help but stare back at her, she's just face bombed on asphalt and the only thing she's doing is smiling. Its infectious.

"Hannah" I stutter taking her hand in mine. My fingertips buzz and tingle from her touch and I try not to think like a total weirdo but it may be too late.

"Yeah you're on year book?" I cannot explain the feeling that passes over me as she says this, she knows me? She knows who I am. "Or?" She looked panicked like she's made a mistake.

"No," I say quickly," I mean yes. I mean, I am. This is me, I do that, yes, me is yearbook staff." My face is smiling but my insides are screaming. She giggles I can tell she wants to laugh but she doesn't she just giggles and I'm glad because had she laughed I'd of died from the embarrassment. As I stand there wishing I hadn't spoke and she smiles I swear if angels were real they would sound like Grace.

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