it's only natural for Ren and Masato to give Flores some roses (But)

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Anali: Flores are you sure
that Nathan is okay with Ren and Masato
Give roses to you

Flores: Yeah and besides
He said that he is okay with them
With me Besides he said he likes them
But when someone he doesn't know gets jealous
^_^ *opens her room door and shocked to see so many roses*
0.0 uhhhhhhhh

*Ren and Masato came but look at the roses*

Flores: Guys did you get roses for
Me again

Masato: That's wasn't us 0.0

Ren: Yeah 0.0

Anali: So you didn't get her roses
Then who was it 0.0

*heard a whistle Masato, Ren, Flores, and Anali turns around to see who it was*

Flores: 0.0 ah

Masato and Ren: You!!!!!
Van kiryuin and Kira sumeragi *Mad*

Van kiryuin: Hello

Van kiryuin: Hello

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Flores: 0.0 Uhhhhhhhh

Kira: Hello Flores

Flores: Hey Guys so you two give me Roses thanks but you don't have to

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Flores: Hey Guys so you two give me
Roses thanks but you don't have to

Van and Kira: But we want to
Besides you are own only best friend
*they got a little closer to Flores*

Van: Flores you are beautiful inside and out
But a little bird told me that you are taken but
That's doesn't stop me from kiss you on the cheek
*kisses Flores on the cheek*

Kira: *kisses Flores's hand*

Flores: *feels uneasy* Help me

Ren and Masato: *runs towards Van and Kira/angry*

Van and Kira: *runs away from Ren and Masato*

Flores: 0.0 Uhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anali: Whoa that's
Whoa anyway that's for today See you soon Bye

Anali: Whoa that's Whoa anyway that's for today See you soon Bye

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Ask the uta no prince sama characters and Anali + Flores + Jason and friends Where stories live. Discover now