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The images form around me…

Everything is falling…

Now everything spins…

The darkness is slow and painful; every noise that is heard is loud, screams of terror, and wind. I hear the wind, it’s loud and unbearable. My head begins to pound with this terrible thumping. Thump, Thump, Thump, it slowly goes away. I feel myself again, waking up, I can feel my fingers. I feel them twitch as I can feel my toes and my legs, the wind blowing on them, making the hairs stand on end. I feel the grass, finally, grass. I sweep my hands across the fine silky green stuff; it’s almost like heaven as I press against it. I have no idea why I am so happy to feel grass… it’s just… grass. I feel it every day. I disregard this thought and enjoy the grass. The air is nice and smooth; I would say it is about 75 degrees   ferinheight.

I finally stop feeling the grass, my eyes are not open. I feel like they are clamped down, I try to force them open and they don’t budge. I clinch onto the grass and try to force my eyes open again. I was successful, but the light was so stressful to my eyes that I forced them shut the second I opened them. I slowly open one eye, to see the blurry mesh of everything around me. The world fills my eyes, the color and the life distracts me from what was really happening. Why am I so happy to see things? It’s almost like I have never seen the light of day. I slowly open the other eye, realizing exactly what is around me. I see a forest not so far from me, and it is amazing. A flower field shows the way to the entrance, I look the other way.

I am shocked

I see the flower field turn to grey dust. I see the bones of the dead and a light far down, as if the moon was rising. The sun, north from the white blotch, was still in the sky high above the forest. The forest looked wonderful, and bright. I turned from the dark grey area, and proceeded to walk towards the wonderful green area that was calling my name, over, and over again. My feet begin to move without me. I inch closer and closer, I feel as if I have not moved in months, my body is stiff. My legs move without hesitance, I know where I must go, I must go towards my name, where everything is nice and beautiful. Everything looks so perfect on that side, beautiful… I hear something familiar from the other side, a woman’s voice. I feel like I have heard this voice plenty times before, almost like it was part of me, something normal to me. It was calling out to me, it sounded… sad… however, I couldn’t figure out where the voice came from and I shrugged it off like a minor cut to the knee. My legs again worked its way without my doing. I quickly forgot about the dark area behind me as I took more steps. The flowers began to move, and bugs of all sorts began to fly around as if they were dancing. I felt comfortable. But only for the moment before I entered the forest, or at least reached the entrance. It was then that I felt discomfort, I felt abused, something kept talking to me I couldn’t get it out of my head. Over and over again it told me to turn around; it told me that the forest was full of evil and treachery. It asked me to turn back, told me to come back to them. Who was “them”? It just didn’t seem right to me, whoever “them” was, I just wanted them to get out of my head, and it was frustrating enough that I didn’t know where I was. I just knew that all I wanted to do was go and play with the trees.

As I stood at the entrance, the sun began to fall down behind the trees, slipping from my sight. I watched as the day became dark, and the night animals came out to say hello to the moon. The night was so much different than the day, the air changed and the temperature became so cold I had to hold myself in order to keep a little warm. Little bumps began to form all over my body; I began to think it was because of the cold that made them appear. I was wearing a short type of pants that only went down to my knees, and a t-shirt with a logo that said “Legend of Zelda” in golden letters. I was not impressed with my current clothing due to the cold. But I had to make due, and continue to walk into the forest. Even in the dark, everything was so perfect to me. The trees lit up in the moonlight, and the deep foliage made everything look wild and free.

As the night became darker and colder, I decided to sleep and wait for tomorrow so I could adventure and find out where I am supposed to be. I found a perfect place for me to sleep for the night, right under a bush that was quite tall. The leaves should keep me warm and comfort me through the night. Nothing would harm me tonight, I don’t think anything would. I just got here, this lovely place.

I then lay down in the mesh of leaves. The wonderful scent of nature, something I have known this day, the scent always changes.  As well as the change in air flow and sounds. It’s peaceful, and wonderful. I began to think about the grey area that was behind me earlier, the voice that called my name, it seemed eager to have me, almost… like it was sad. I think that’s why I chose the forest, the voice calling me there sounded sweet and innocent, like it really wanted to play with me. And I wanted to trust it. And I did, and now I feel so happy. I close my eyes and my mind wonders to the dark area over, and over again, just like it is right there, like I can reach out to it. However I cannot reach out to it. My body rejects it. Even to try, my body refuses to let me do it. And all I could hear, was the faintness of breathing, as I slowly fell asleep, under the bush. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2012 ⏰

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