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COMMON hurry up were gonna miss the flight!!
Yh we were running at the airport like three lost chicks looking for there mum
I could have killed you guys if we didn't make it on time.
Errr Lizzie and Maddie are so lucky to sit together but I was lucky enough to sit by this girl with orange curly hair she looked British.
Hi my name is Ellie,Hi I'm Riley
So why are you going to Mexico,well I just want to discover other things outside my culture.Anyways why are you going to ,I work there just came to visit my family,Wow you look British ,yh I'm British but my family leave here in America due to the unemployment in England that's why we had to move here.
The flight was only for four hours thirty minutes which wasn't as I thought it would be after all I hate airplanes which is the complete opposite of my mum, I try so much to be like her but it seems as impossible as I thought.A million hours here we are landing  the sort part of the journey it always seems like we are going to crash.

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