Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


One Year Later

It's been a year since everything had happened. Since Kane killed Jack, when Michelle and Vicky got away. Neither of them has yet to be found. I prayed for the day to come when those two were in my sights. I wanted to watch them die as their bodies burned, sending them both to hell.

It's been a year since I lost my baby. Having done that, things just didn't feel right. I didn't feel right. I wondered every day how he or she would have been. How would my baby look?

I also wondered what type of mother I would have been.

"Jay, are you okay?" Shawna touched my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Babe, if you're not up for this we can cancel the party." She suggested.

I looked away from the baby shoes that had my attention and focused on Shawna. My birthday was tomorrow even so, I wasn't in a celebrating mood. It's been a while since I had been. I honestly didn't want to do anything. Before I could voice my thoughts, Jamila came bouncing over to us.

"Of course, she wants to do this. It's not every day a girl turns nineteen. And since she didn't have an eighteenth birthday bash, she's celebrating this year." Jamila exclaimed excitedly.

"Really, Jamila? It would take a dumbass like you to bring that up." Shawna snapped, glaring hard at her.

Jamila was a member of the pack who I met five months ago when she moved into my building. She was a pretty cool girl who loved to have fun. Well, that's what I thought anyway. Shawna on the other hand, she simply couldn't stand the her. She always found a reason to snap at Jamila.

"Shawna, don't start with me—"

"Y'all chill, for real. S, come on now, she didn't mean anything by it." I linked my arm with the both of theirs and pulled them from the store. "Let's just find something to wear. With no drama."

Shawna's eyes rolled. "I'm just saying, it was a stupid ass question to ask. But, I'll be quiet." She stated.

"I'm always fine. Jazmyne, you know I didn't mean anything by it. But, if I upset you with what I said, I'm sorry." Jamila apologized.

Shawna let out an irritated growl. "You're missing the point, Jamila. You shouldn't have said that at all. That was just careless." Shawna continued to fuss.

I pulled away from the both of them and went into another clothes store. I just didn't feel like hearing them arguing. I already didn't want to be in the damn mall.

Given the fact, what happened last year was two months before my birthday, I wasn't excited to have a party. What was there to celebrate, exactly? The fact that I lost my baby? That I was beaten and raped?

"Jazmyne, I'm sorry, I'll chill." Shawna insisted.

"Okay." I shrugged. At that point I didn't even care. I walked away from her and began looking around at the dresses.

"Jazmyne, what do you think about this dress?" Jamila held up a short red halter dress. She then pressed it up against me.

"She's not going to wear that. It's to slutty. It might look good on you, though." Shawna responded with a smile.

She was really coming for Jamila. What she said was totally out of left field. My brows raised at Shawna.

"S, really? Chill the fuck out. If you're going to do all this, then I can go back home. I don't wanna be here any fucking way." I pushed passed her.

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