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Kath's POV:

Yes!! I got through the finals!!! (I don't know how these stuff work, so I'm just going to skip it, ok?)

Dad picks me up and in the car I see Mom and Paul.

"Até! I missed you! You are always leaving me!!!" Paul whines.

"Well, I do miss you, but not your whining."

"HEY!" He bickers.

"Now shush, I'm tired from my studies... And not to mention, starving."

"I made you some cookies!" Paul hands me white chocolate cookies.


"Ok ok! I think my eardrums have just burst." Paul laughs.

I slap his arm and then I nibble on his cookie... It's delicious! I bite and bite into the cookie. I go onto the next cookie when I smell something so putrid, I was close to fainting. Okay, that was a little overboard, but the smell drowned me in the air. (Did that make sense?)

"PAULL!!!" I shout.

"Ouch... again." He chuckles. Ugh brothers.

"Open... *gasp* the windows... *gasp*" I beg.

"You are so dramatic." Paul says as he rolls the window down.

The cool breeze of fresh air fills the car, pushing out the putrid smell out. I gasp for fresh air and smile, continuing to eat the beautiful cookie. I put the cookie that I didn't finish and wrapped it in a paper towel. My head is starting to hurt... So I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wonder about Katsumi. What was he thinking about? Why did he grimace after I told him about Kath? Does he like her? Why was he with Mel? Why do I have so many questions? What is wrong with me?!

"DJ!" JC snaps me out of my thoughts.


"Nothing..." He says suspiciously.

"What?!" I practically was shouting.

"Whatchu thinking about?" He nudges me on the elbow.

"I'm just confused." I don't want him finding out about Kath.


"School! What else?" I tell him like it's the most obvious thing in the world... At least I tried to. His eyebrows knead together, knowing that I was lying but I smile back at him. He knows I'm lying, but he leaves me in peace. Thank you JC.

I text Katsumi:

Katsumi? Is there something wrong? Did I do something?

He replies almost instantly:

No, I'm ok

For some wierd reason, I'm not satisfied with that answer. I don't know if he's telling the truth, or a lie. But my gut is going with him lying.  Why am I overthinking this? I should just chill and pretend this never happened. Then my phone buzzed. It was Katsumi.

Ok fine! Want the truth?! Don't punch me and I won't mess with you and her.

What do you mean?

I think I also like Kathryn BUT I'M NOT LIKE MEL! I PROMISE!!!  I won't get in between you and her. Promise.

WHAT?! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP! I KNEW (well kinda) THAT HE LIKED HER!!! UGH HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID?! What do I do now? That is the question.

(Sorry short POV of DJ)

Kath's POV:

When I open my eyes, I look around me, recognizing my surroundings. I'm in my room, I try to get up, but I can't. I think it's my head. I could reach the back of my head, the flesh had softened. Conveniently, there was a glass of water on my bedside table. I reach for it and put it to my lips. As I drink the water, I could feel a wave of chill and control run through my throat, and my body. Slowly, I sit up, so I don't have to feel the blood rush down, feeling light-headed.

"Kathryn? Do you feel okay?" My mom barges in.

"Uh, sure. What happened?" I ask.

"Okay, so, when we got home, we tried to wake you up. But you wouldn't I was freaking out, then your dad told me about the incident in hospital. I almost called the police, but Paul just carried you to your bed. And here you are."

"How? How did you stay so calm?"

"I don't know... I think I fainted."

I start to laugh so hysterically, I gasp but then my head starts to ache. I massage the back of my head and my head starts to relieve a little bit, but it still hurt. I slowly stand up to be  my medication, but my mom thinks otherwise.

"I'll get your medication..." How did she know?

"Uh, thanks I guess."

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