The End? (Updated)

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*Well...we finally met all my female servants meaning this book has come to an end, but that doesn't mean it's over. Fate Grand Order has only just begun, and there are a ton of female servants who may join this ever-growing harem. So while this will be the last chapter of this book, don't be surprised when a sequel pops up later on. So until then, please enjoy the final chapter of How I met my Harem*

Somehow ever since returning from the Fourth Revelation, Chaldea had become a war zone. When Jeanne Alter had claimed that she would be the one Ryan would choose her to his lover, all of his female servants had gone into a frenzy except for Blue Saber as they all started battling each other for his affection. They demanded that the boy choose who he wanted to be with. Luckily for him, his male servants (Archer Emiya, Fionn, And Rama) were able to get him into hiding as the Chaldea Civil War began.

It had only been one week since the fight had started, but Chaldea was left in destruction as the girl divided into three factions. The first faction was the Saber Face Alliance which made of all the girls that looked like Saber. Its member was Saber Alter, Santa Alter, Mysterious Heroine X, Saber Lily, Mordred, Okita, and Nobu who only joined to be with her best friend. The second faction called The Venus Order, led by Scathach and Mashu. Her followers were Fran, Irisveil, Anne & Mary, Shiki, and Stheno. The third and final faction was the Dragon Darlings led by Jeanne Alter herself. Her followers were Saint Martha, Atalanta, Carmilla, and both versions of Elizabeth Bathory.

Meanwhile, in hiding Ryan and his remaining servants made up the Resistance, which included Artoria, Archer Emiya, Fionn, and Rama. Their goal was to end the fighting peacefully, but so far they weren't succeeding. Currently, Ryan was waiting to discuss the groups next move with Artoria and Archer Emiya as they waited for the others to arrive.

"What's taking them so long?" Ryan asked, getting impatient. "We can't stay here much longer. If we do, one of the other armies will find us and then rape me to death."

The King of Knights put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Master. It won't come to that. Archer and I will defend to you the very last."

"Yeah...though we are outnumbered.," the white-haired man said earning an elbow in the gut by his girlfriend. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Wait!" the boy said as he heard something coming towards them. "We got company!"

All of a sudden, all three armies appeared with weapon drawn. Behind the Venus, Order was a badly beaten up Fionn weakly held by Mashu while a weaken Rama was strapped to Santa Alter's sleigh. It seems that they had been captured on the way here and interrogated for Ryan's location, but knowing Fionn...he was probably lured in by Mashu by promising to marry him only beat up instead. However, that didn't how the Dragon Darlings found them, but Jeanne Alter somehow always had a way of finding him.

"Hello, master

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"Hello,'s nice to see you again.," Saber Alter, the leader of the Saberface Alliance, stated with her usually stoic face. "Now if you wish to stop the violence, all you have to do is choose who you want to be with. If you choose us, we'll build you a kingdom that you deserve. You'll be our king..."

"No!" Scathach screamed her military uniform

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"No!" Scathach screamed her military uniform. "Choose us, Ryan! All we want to do is love you for you. We all fell for how kind and understanding you are. You don't need to a king, love us, and we'll help you set things right!!"

 You don't need to a king, love us, and we'll help you set things right!!"

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"Don't be ridiculous...," Jeanne Alter stated while rode onto a demonic black dragon. "We all know he loves me the most. Now comes my love... lets us burn down these homewreckers once and for all!!!"

Ryan just sighed as he realized that the fighting wouldn't end until he chose someone. There just wasn't any other way. So he took a deep breath as he approached the three armies.

" win. I'll choose now.," the brown-haired boy said, gaining everyone's attention. "The girl I choose be with is--"


Ryan awoke by Jeanne slapping him across the face. "Ow!!! What in the world was that for?!"

The boy found himself in his room in the middle of the night with Jeanne Alter sleeping next to him because she refused to sleep anywhere else besides with him. She wore one of his Flash t-shirts which she stole and black booty shorts as she gave him a cold glare.

"You were having a nightmare..," the Avenger servant stated. "You kept tossing and turning so much that it kept waking me up, so I decided to slap you."

Wait? Everything that had happened in the last week was a dream? So his servants didn't destroy Chaldea over him. The boy sighed in relief as he gave the girl a hug causing her to blush a deep shade of red.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed. "If I had known to slap you would have gotten you to do this, I would slap you more."

"Thanks, Jeanne...I owe you one.," Ryan said with a smile. "You have no idea how bad that dream was. I think I'll take you on a date later this week to thank you."

The girl just smiled as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I guess that seems appropriate. Glad to see you're finally warming up to me. Now...go back to sleep."

"Ok...," the boy said as the two snuggled up to each other and prepared to go back to sleep.

However, before he could though, Jeanne asked the one thing he hoped she wouldn't. "By the way, what was your nightmare about anyways?"

To be Continued in Book 2

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