Day dreaming 101

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We always wish something to happen, whether the rain to stop, the traffic to move or  simply time to move fast. Deep in our subconscious we always dream of things happening, wishing for signs and other indicators, making us prone to expectation and therefore disappointment once it didn't happen. But what if... it did really happen, not exactly as how you imagined, but the whole thought is in there...What if you saw the sign? What will you do?


  Normally, when your classes for the day has ended, you either go home or go to the mall. But unlike typical people out there, I am still at school, passing the time to the least expected area you'd find a teenager. The library.

  In here you'll find the typical readers with big academic books surrounding their table; news readers who takes their time reading whats wrong in the country; homeworkers who go only to the library to copy answers and of course, the couple readers who dont really go to the library to read but to flirt with each other and they don't even mind if the people around them are bothered or not.

  And then there's me, I'm Macey Carter.  My classes has already ended but I'm still in the school library waiting for my friend since we have different schedules. Unfortunately for me, I still have 2 hours to burn.

For some reason, the main library is filled with people today, you'd think this is the cafeteria if not for the lack of food and noise and of course the many isle of bookshelves. I eyed a good position near the window, I immediately grabbed one of the newspapers and rushed to the seat before someone occupies it.

   Briskly openning the The Seeker, I went to my favorite page ---- entertainment section. I'm not really that interested about clothes or fitness (although comics is an exception) but its rather simplier than that, I read the horoscope section.

    "Gemini-- Today is a 9. Swell day for you. Your mind and will power goes well together today. Its not that you want things to happen but they will happen now that Venus will pass in front of Mars. Its not a good thing to think of things negatively. Avoid chatting while driving. Safety First."

  "Hmmm.. cool, mind power," I smiled to myself.

  A limited percentage of the world's population is gifted with a very active imagination and I am one of the few talented ones and my favorite past time?  ----daydreaming. Oftentimes, I create stories in my mind, most of which is about a meet-cute between me and my guy. The thing about being a talented person and being single, I create my very own ideal person since I can't find him in reality. I internalize based on my mood, a movie just watched or what people tell me, like this one..

--"If you ask God about something, make sure its specific. Dont be too general like I want to become successful, pray that you get a PASSING GRADE".--

A giggling voice disturbed my train of thought. True enough when I glanced back at the couple in one of the tables, they are sitting so close together and the guy's face is in her neck. Seriously?? Are they really making out?? And in the Library?!

The nerve of some people. Its a good thing I have my buddy tablet and headset around to drown unwanted noises. I played the Rise of the Guardians movie and continued reading the newspaper. (Yeah. My background music is a movie deal with it.)

I was lost in my world once again. I leaned on the desk and closed my eyes.

He walked to me like one of the gorgeous gods from greek mythology. Tall but not towering, broad shoulders and firm muscles are fighting their way out to his shirt. He looked at me like I'm the prettiest girl in the world. When he smiled at me, I almost died! He stopped right in front of me, only half a meter away, he grabbed my hand and said,

M.A.D (Madly Addictive Daydreaming)Where stories live. Discover now