This is my dream crashing down

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I don't know about you guys but when I argue with someone I don't know, right after that incident, I seem to almost always see that person. Just like now.

I'm in my normal routine, just eating lunch here at the cafeteria with a few of my friends as we waited for our next class. All of a sudden, as if a gravitational force pulled me to look at my left. And sure, there he is, Spencer, seating almost 4 tables away. Chatting casually with a girl.

The girl is giggling about what he said to her. I fought not to roll my eyes but its hard not to when she giggles that loud.

"Who's that?" asked Sofia Jade, one of my classmates.

"Ask me not," I told her.

"Geezwiz, I know that this is the cafeteria but eat the food, not your mate," complained Sofia Jade and we all laughed at her.

"Seriously! I've had enough of lovers today. All those hugging and kissing and eugh!" she cringes at her seat.

I scoffed and looked back at the two. Lovers huh, I thought. My attention was brought back at our table when Ciara talked.

"Don't tell me you're starting to.become part of the haters club?" she asked.

"No I won't. I just can't tolerate these people who excessively displays their "affection" in public. They don't even consider the other people," Sofia Jade reasoned out.

"True and sometimes they just flirt, not really a real couple," I seconded, nodding at her words.

"Well, there are those type of people here," said Ciara finally agreeing. "But that's that, we can't do anything about them. Let's just go or we'll be late for class," she said at got up.

We followed suit but as we drew nearer to our room, I remembered I left my notes in my locker.

"Shoot! I'll follow, I forgot my notes in my locker," I said and scrambled back to the hallway.

"We'll see you back in class!" shouted Sofia Jade.

I just gave her a thumbs up and ran. I reached my locker and got my notes and left for class.

I walked fast and took a sharp curve but I bumped with a couple of people. Two someone's actually.

"Aah! Watch where you're going!" screeched the girl.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," I apologized at her and faced the other person only to find out that its Spencer.

"Argh! You're not even supposed to run along the corridors, what are you? Stupid or something?" the girl continued.

My eyebrows rose and temper rising in my head. "Excuse me miss, but I was not running, I'm simply walking when I bumped into you guys. This portion of the hall is a blind spot and naturally you can't see if others are walking," I gestured at the hallway. "Now, the only reason I bumped into you guys is if you are on the way."

"What?! Are you saying-" started the girl but Spencer cut him off.

"Enough Jenna."

The girl turned from a bear to a small kitten in an instant, "But babe, its her fault."

"Its okay," he said and toucher her cheek down to her neck. She shivered at his gesture.

"Oh alright," Jenna said and glared at me for the last time before walking on.

I tried not to roll my eyes at the girl and took a deep breath. That's only the time I realized that thing on the floor.

When I picked it up, it was an identification card in our school. It belonged to Spencer since its his picture on it. I glanced at his full name, PERRY S. SPENCER.

Wait. What? Perry. And then at his course, Electrical Engineering.

No shit.

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